
The Day of the Operation

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Having surgery and going under anaesthetic in another country is bound to induce fear. My eagerness to have the operation and my realisation of my nose dream seemed to blot out most fear. It's amazing what we can overcome when faced with something we really want to do. Given events moved quickly I hadn't given much thought to the actual operation itself which was for the best. Having just had a look at where Iran stands internationally in terms of hospitals and healthcare the search was futile. The methodology used to collect data for the statistics I found aren't sufficient enough for me to quote here. Given Iran is in my opinion a very closed off country in many respects how does this manifest through international rankings? I was just looking at a list of the rankings of international hospitals and a large portion of the methodology is based on search engines. So if a country does not embrace or adopt the internet to share or place it's data then this will adversely affect it's rankings. I could continue in depth just on this subject but don't want to to veer off the main story. I flag this up though because this is not the first time I've run into this problem. I tried to research where Iran stood on an international level of cosmetic procedures. This was based upon my initial shock at what I've mentioned is a gluttony of cosmetic enhancements. Iran hardly figured at all and I couldn't conclude or find anything that felt remotely representational for what I've first-hand

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