
The Directive Informational Approach For Education

Decent Essays

In the proposed scenario, the teacher was coming from a special education classroom, where she taught for three years. She has transitioned to a third grade classroom where she has been for eight years. It appears that each time the administrator has visited the classroom any suggestions or comments that were left in her mailbox were ignored. There are some unanswered questions for this scenario. Third grade is a big year for reading. This teacher’s end of the year data isn’t included in the information and I think that this has to be considered when approaching the evaluation. We also do not know what kind of health concerns this teacher is facing. Are these concerns ongoing or just something that she faced in the past? Given the …show more content…

This may need to be addressed in a face to face manner, where both parties have a chance to express concerns and expectations. If the communication isn’t there, then the administrator has to shoulder some of the fault for the teacher’s response or lack of a response to the feedback. Another area to be addressed would be teacher accountability. In the end the teacher is responsible for the happenings inside his or her classroom. One of the most important things administrators can do, is hold teachers accountable. In this scenario we don’t know if the things that this teacher overlooked like the misspelled words, grammatical errors, and failure to update bulletin boards, are impacting learning inside the classroom. If they are impacting learning, then it should be addressed with the teacher. If these are expectations that have been established and are not being met, then the teacher should be held accountable. Accountability will challenge teachers to grow and reflect on the happenings inside their classroom. Administrators must offer the appropriate amount of support to go along with this expectation of accountability. Accountability without support will lead to failure or frustration. That frustration or failure affects everyone involved in the learning process.
The last component to this evaluation process would be to

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