
The Documentary ' True Life Aired Their Twelfth Episode On Season

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The documentary series True Life aired their fourteenth episode on season … “I have schizophrenia.” In this episode three young adults, Joshua, Ben, and Amber, are followed through their daily routines recording how this illness affect their lives and how they manage to handle their mental illness. Each one of them experiences this illness different and that influences their decisions on medical care and the way they interactions others and the outside world. Society often sees people that suffer from schizophrenia as weird and crazy. It is common for society to want to separate them out from the rest of society by putting them in mental hospitals.
Joshua is a 25 year old from Westchester Pennsylvania. Out of the three of the young adults …show more content…

After coming back to his mothers house for a second time he does not deny him, him staying over she fears that without her he will end up homeless or dead.
Ben is 23 and had his schizoaffective disorder under control until his grandfather got diagnosed with cancer and passed away. His grandfather death causes Ben to relapse. His mental disorder started at the age of 18 but was well controlled now after his relapse, Ben claims that God talks to him and blames him for that his family is going through. After two weeks of falling into depression Ben considers going to psychology and therapy. His doctor recommended ben to go out once a week and interact with others, following the doctor’s order made Ben become more stable. Nineteen-year-old Amber diagnosed with Paranoia Schizophrenia is more in control but stress from school becoming and obstacle for her. Amber gets good grades and is very competitive with her self so much that she blames herself for not being able to cope with an intense school schedule. She looked for treatment and once a month visits her therapist. She states towards the end of the show she joined care group meeting (National alliance of mental illness) hoping to connect with others just like her. She was able to open up and tell others about her condition, something she had never done before.
Schizophrenia is a complex, chronic mental disorder, which is categorized by certain symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions,

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