There’s a lot going on in today 's society from the election, roads, taxes, even killer clowns. I’m going to talk about today’s education system. Since the education being taught in the schools is for the generations to come. People need education to have a stable life in this country, to get a good job, and to support themselves financially. Therefore, are need to improve education overall.
First, the students being taught in the classes are based on technology. We already know how technology is carrying how students perform in education. But in education today kids and students are surrounded by it. When I was elementary or even middle school there was no such thing as an Ipad or a Chromebook. The school board is making students feel like it’s a necessity to have in class everyday. I see kids at the age of 6 or 7 asking for their Ipad or chromebook for homework. I ask myself “is this really how the school board wants to teach the future generation of students?” Students are so used to using PowerPoint and Word at such a young age.
Secondly, the lack of teachers and the lack of people who want to be teachers is creating problems. Teachers have been going on strike in different committees in the US. The most this class would know about is how Mchenry high schools teachers went on strike. We don’t pay our teachers enough for what they do. The teachers in the US barely make enough to live a nice live. Overall I think we should pay teachers as much as doctors because a doctor
For the entirety of a student’s life, knowledge is based almost entirely on the scores of quizzes and exams. It seems as though if a student does poorly on a test, they are automatically labeled as stupid or unknowledgeable (Bryan). The way technology functions in a classroom is another issue that needs to be addressed. There are several reasons why technology is needed in the classroom, but also several downsides that come with the technological innovations. As Lynch points out in “18 Reasons the U.S. Education System is Failing” technology has brought many great advantage to students especially when our era is becoming more and more digitized, but technology does have its downsides. Technology has brought a new dimension of academic dishonesty to schools across America. Also, when students enter school, teachers are faced with the difficulties of students being at different levels of knowledge and technological savvy. High school aside, higher education still has its own issues. After high school, students head to college to find a whole new array of problems. One of the most common problems according to Vedder is college degrees do not guarantee economic
Technology has opened many opportunities for students, but is it taking a toll on their education? Based on the two articles the “Avid Weekly: When it is and isn’t OK to be on your smartphone: the conclusive guide” by Caitlin Dewey and Is Technology Killing Our Friendship By Lauren Tarshis, technology can have a lasting effect that can either be positive or negative. Technology has let the world stay in touch with what’s happening around them, which has positively affected students and their surroundings. Causing disruptions though is something not to be happy about, because if technology advances in classrooms, students can easily be picked off into the wonders of technology. Although technology has helped students prosper, there are still
The United States of America used to be known as one of the greatest countries to be apart of. From the jobs to the economy to education people loved to be apart of the American culture. The problem many Americans are facing today is poor education. Since America is viewed as a high profile country many people have prominent expectations on what they are receiving, specifically the education. The fact is that there are major problems with all levels of the education system today. Starting with early education, teachers are quick to say children needs to be medicated or put into special education. Proceeding to the general or high school education where kids are graduating but not prepared for what’s after. Lastly how higher education or college can hardly be afforded in today’s society. As a result of the failing education system, many parents blame the child or society when in actuality the failing system is corrupted by some teachers, lack of preparation, and lack of affordability in higher education.
Children in this generation are losing the basic development skills we once grew up with 15 or so years ago. This in a sense that being wired to technology, that the thought of not being able to use a laptop to help write a paper is already, “feels strain” (source D). Students today rely on typing that, when it comes time to write on paper, “more the erratic, anonymous scrawl of someone learning to write for the first time’ (source D). Most people will say that technology isn't cause this sudden disinterest in doing things the “old fashion” way, technology is “the key ingredient of the cake” (source A) this transition would better prepare and equip children in their development skills. In a rapidly changing generation, it's obvious that many more people are focusing on the shorter term solution to a long term situation as “school system focus on test results” (source C) students aren't using technology to better educate themselves, instead they are just using it to find an easy answer to a question they would very well know but don't care enough to answer
Currently, schools are switching to technology for all of their assigned work, rather than using paper and pen. As a student attending Fountain Lake Charter School Mark Burfeind experiences this everyday. Mark says, Fountain Lake Charter School are giving Chromebooks to the high school and middle school students, and you have no choice to deny the computer. Students are given the Chromebook so they can do homework and there should be no excuse for not having your homework done. Through the Chromebook you are to turn in all work. For the younger students, such as elementary students, they are given in class iPads and with these they can do learning drills and play learning games. Schools everywhere are dropping paper and switching to technology. Should kids now a days be forced to use technology? Yes, because with technology you are provided with effective ways of learning, it prepares you for college, and the real world.
What is it that’s making our country suffer from excelling in education? Very few would argue about the importance of our education system today. Issues such as lazy teachers, lack of parent involvement, and teaching useless information in class may hinder progress in today’s education system. An education plays a crucial role and is an essential tool, unfortunately, with all the jaded judgments; our students are not able to value their education. A proper education can open the doors to many opportunities that would have never been possible if it had not been for the knowledge and preparation that one received while in school. With the growing economy and desperate times, it is more important than ever for our country’s children to receive the proper education and training that is needed to allow them to acquire a good job and produce the revenue needed to live. Today's education system is flawed in many ways, and these flaws should be eliminated to ensure a good education for our future generation.
The future of the United States is in the hands of its next generation. Education is one of, if not, the most important factors that have a great role in deciding whether the future of America will end up badly or not. As a result, it should be the biggest priority to make it available for everyone. Many people believe that the education system is already perfect. However, it does need many improvements that would make it much more efficient than it is.
As a developed nation, the United States owes its success to the education system that has evolved with our nation. While at times conflict consumes our nation, tragedy occurs, and hardships arise we can rest assured that our elected officials and citizens are making intelligent decisions that uphold our values, rights, and liberty. These leaders have been elected to operate our democratic society which is propelled forward by education. Education serves as the single most important factor of our society’s framework.
Was our educational system created on a deeply mistaken theory? According to E.D. Hirsch the educational system in 1988 was based on the teachings of a 50 year old theory from Jean Jacques Rousseau. Hirsch, talks about John Dewey, “the writer who has most deeply affected modern educational theory and practice”(Hirsch 1988). Dewey has based his theories on the old teachings of Rousseau. “Only by piling up specific, communally shared information can children learn to participate in complex cooperative activities with other members of their community”(Hirsch 1988) is what Hirsch said, which completely contradicts what John Dewey was teaching. Hirsch goes on to prove Dewey made assumptions and that he had been too reckless to reject certain teachings. The educational system of 1988 was deeply flawed, according to Hirsch, the purpose of the article was to show just that, his audience is anybody who will listen to his purpose, and his stance passionate and concerning.
Thesis statement: The United States education system has weaknesses that should be remedied by emulating the education methods of other countries such as Finland and Japan.
I think that the use of technology in schools is one of the best decisions the school system could have made. Living in a time period of accelerating change, I think that it is important to lean away from the more traditional educational tactics of teaching and learning that may have worked in the past. And start to transition into the more modern-day style of teaching and learning, which involves technology. Students are always using technology. Whether it is them on their laptops, tablets, or using their phones to surf the internet or an app, it is a vital part of their daily lives. I think that because technology plays such a primary role in students' lives, the best way to connect with students in the classroom, is to incorporate technology into some part of the lesson. I believe that
The education system has been a controversial issue among educators. Requirements of school do not let student choose what they want to study for their future. It’s a big issue to force student study specific curriculums, which don’t help them improve, and what they like to create something. Educators choose a general system for education to all students which based on general knowledge. Intelligent or genius students have to be in that system of education, which doesn’t let them improve their creativity. Educators attempt to change that system to make it better, but their changing was not that great to be an example for the world. Also, did that change qualify education system to compete other systems or not? In some examples and
We live in a day and age in which students have all kinds of electronic gadgets and can get hold of information within seconds through the net. We live in a highly technological society. Unless teachers are open and willing to step outside their comfort zone and use different tools in their classrooms to match students’ abilities and interests, it will be impossible for them to keep students motivated and engaged. If teaching is all about content, then students do not need to go to school as they can access all the content at a lightning speed rate from the net. I am of the opinion that teaching is all about helping students build the skills needed to become better members of society. That is why I am a huge advocate of using technology in the classroom.
Technology has made great strides in the past 20 years. It plays a very important role in our lives today and even plays a critical role in the way students learn all over the world. Unfortunately, students now rely on technology instead of learning key fundamentals. Technology has replaced the need to learn and most answers are just a google search away. Technology has also become expensive and lower socioeconomic school districts have found affording the newest technology difficult because of their lack of funding. Technology is a great learning tool when used appropriately. The lower socioeconomic school falls behind in the expanding frontier of technology in the classroom because they cannot afford it compared to their counterparts and results in a gap in education. The development of technology in the classroom has caused students to fail the learning of fundamentals and has exploited lower socioeconomic school districts.
Throughout the history of civilization, education has been an important tool in shaping an individual as well as the society that the individual is a part of. In the older civilizations, only the elite upper class had access to education. This kept these people at the top of the social ladder, and suppressed the common people who did not have access to the same education as the nobles. We have come a long way since then, with every child having access to a free high school degree. However, there is still some inequality in this modern education system that has similarities to the old injustices. In this day and age, a college degree is a great start for a young adult starting to enter the work force. According to a study conducted by Pew