Gracel Antonette Velicaria 1029166 Assessment Item 2 Academic Literature Review You are required to write a report about the effect of increasing use of Social Media in the workplace in Australia. This is not the use of Social Media as a MARKETING tool. The world of social networking services is rapidly increasing, and it is commonly used in the workplace in Australia. Boyd and Ellison (2007), referring to their journal Social Network Sites defines social network sites as: “Web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system.” p. 211 The increasing use of social media in today’s workplace it may be argued to have positive and negative effects. Many individuals and organisations now use applications and social networking services in their daily work environment. Norton & Strauss (2013) This academic literature review will discuss some of the issues concerning the use of social media in the workplace. This will include: social media as an aid in Human Resource management, social media and workplace communication, and the pros and cons of social media in Health Care industry. Social Media as an aid in Human Resource Management Referring to the journal article “Managing the Effects of Social Media in Organizations” by Schultz, Koehler, Philippe & Coronel
(2) A network of friends, colleagues, and other personal contacts. (3) An online community of people with a common interest who use a website or other technologies to communicate with each other and share information or resources. Social Network sites is defined as web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with who they share a connections, and (3) view and navigate their list of connections and those made by others within the system. These social network sites are named as such but not limited to: Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and
Now I would like to refer to the book written by Regina Luttrell’s, he explained/relate Social Media How to Engage, Share, And Connect, and some of the properties of building a successful working social media policy for employees:
Many individuals have resorted to social media to connect with friends or strangers alike. Social media has also encouraged people to display private conduct to the public. Many colleges and businesses have resorted to viewing an applicant’s social media for work force readiness. I believe this is a good strategy, because it can eliminate competition in the work place.
Social media is one of the newest technological advances that have found its way into the foundation of our lives. Part of our lives is how we make a financial living. For some people what we post online can find it 's way into our work environment. Sites like LinkedIn have been able to improve business relationships and Facebook advertising has weaved its way into almost every marketing plan. Improving business relationships and more ways to market are all positive attributes to social networking but there is a darker side. Some employees have found like simply venting about some problems at work can actually put their whole job in jeopardy.
Brian Jung, writer for Demand Media, points out several of the negative effects of social media in this article. His main points are the negative effects of false connections, decreased productivity, privacy issues, and cyber-bullying. While he points out a few positive points, the article is mainly geared toward the negative aspects of social media. This article is useful for backing up my position that social media has more negative effects than positive, and should be used with caution.
According to a survey report done by the Kelly services with 170,000 people from 30 different countries, 55% of all the participants believe that the use of social media for both the personal and professional posts can cause problems in the workplace (Bennett, 2012). According to a study done by the proof point, many US companies that have hired the employees more than 1000 in number face a real problem with their employees to use social media (Ostrow 2009). Almost 17% of these companies had faced serious disrepute due to the offensive comments on the social media websites (Ostrow 2009). Almost 13% of the US companies have investigated the use of personal text messages that have been found to infringe the company’s law (Ostrow 2009).
This literature review will be focusing on the interactions of social media and employment. It will discuss the scientific findings of how communications processes in the workplace are affected by social media. In this paper, we will show: (a) There is a negative correlation between organizations that allow their employees social media access and how those employees view their employer; (b) Use of social media in the workplace environment increases employee productivity and performance, and (c) social support can increase the amount workers access social media at work. It will also discuss how social media affects the interactions between workers at organizations, how they feel about their jobs, and how communication processes are affected by social media.
Identifying the major that pose a deterrent as to why companies do not embrace social media is comprehensive. In our case study, three distinct issues are raised. Those include low adoption rates by employees, cumbersome features that employees never use, and difficulty to measure the impact that social media has to productivity.
According to industry research reports, the role of social media within business organisations can encourage collaboration, strategic agility and potentially improve worker productivity, thus requiring business to consider and define approaches to social media use within their organisations.
A growing hot topic, and cause for concern is the increasing use of social media in the workplace. The landscape for communication has changed, and the line between personal and professional communications has been blurred. How will your employer manage the risks associated with the use of social media and at the same time, gain the benefits that this media form provides? While many employers were initially concerned that employees would use company time and equipment for socializing with friends, they are quickly learning that many social networks can also be used directly for work purposes.
These three concepts have been chosen due to the awareness that all three have the potential to play hand in hand with one another. Social media can play a huge role on conflict in the workplace that could and should be avoided. Social networking sites, publishing tools, and micro-blogging sites are all considered social media with the most commonly used site being Facebook. “Social media, such as social networking sites, differ from traditional media, because they enable the exchange of user-generated content.”
Social media has become a fundamental part of many people’s lives, with an increasing number adapting to the idea of social media and various types it has. Social media has been used not only in Australia but also globally, and can be used to connect people from around the world including family, friends and work
Understanding the impact social media has had on the business world is particularly important for the younger generation, those teenagers and twenty-somethings who are most likely to post something that may come back to haunt them in years to come. As college students, we must realize that our future can be made or broken by something we consider trivial. For all those concerned with their professional reputation, responsible use of all social media is imperative. In the opinions
Social media in business continually rises to be an in important tool in everyday business and this means that communication is greatly evolving. In this development period, social media has had a prodfound impact on businesses especially in marketing. As a result, many are using social media as a communication tool regardless of the negative impacts experienced in some aspcts of social media.
Utilising social media for business has been a strategy of human resource management in hiring process. Internet and technology has revolutionised the way people live and also led employers to attract and screen potential candidates on social media, such as Linkedin and Facebook (Zamaria C, 2007). The features of online platform make social media become a common method of attracting applicants for human resource function. For instance, the speed and no geographical limits are distinctive features of online recruitment (CIPD, 2010). A survey conducted by the US Society for Human Resource Management found that the number of organisations that reported using social media as an HR recruiting tool had grown from 56 percent in 2011 to 84 percent in 2015 (SHRM, 2016). Some researches reported that the use of social media is an inevitable trend of hiring strategy in the age of Internet; therefore, employers could not ignore the