
The Effects Of Budget On Dietary Behaviors Essay

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The Effects of Budget on Dietary Behaviors in Undergraduate Students attending the University of British Columbia
This paper will examine the main factors contributing to the choices made by first year students in terms of their eating habits. It will employ a qualitative-survey of twenty first-year students living on UBC residence. In order to determine the main factors contributing to the current state of the average student’s diet, students will be asked about their daily consumption of each food category, their reasons for such diets, their cooking abilities as well as their primary sources of income and the allocation of that income towards food. Using Canada’s Food Guide to evaluate student eating habits, this study will propose that unhealthy and inadequate student diets are largely a result of the rising costs of studying in Vancouver, most student’s inabilities to prepare their own meals as well as unhealthy foods being cheaper and more accessible than their healthy alternatives.
1. Introduction – Discussion of state of knowledge, knowledge gap, hypothesis
2. Background – Background on student meal plans and previous studies on student spending
- Defining key terms and theories
- Cost of living and studying in Vancouver
3. Method – explicit study/survey
4. Results
5. Discussion and Implications
6. Conclusion


Introduction A nutritious and well balanced diet is essential for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. As

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