
The Effects Of Fast Foods On Health Risks Among Children And Adolescents

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Thesis Discussion I began this study with the premise that many youths living in an affluent nation were facing future health risks due to mal nutrition and physical inactivity. The research method of crystallization encouraged me to gather and view evidence using a variety of disciplines, and multiple lenses to support my theory. My study was inclusive of peer reviewed research studies, books, and interviews. As a component of my study, I visually deepened my inquiry through the use of photographic evidence. Food Insecurity The results of my study revealed that a vast number of youths in the U.S. were not properly nourished. This may have been due to environmental or socioeconomic barriers. There were differences of opinions as to whether or not food deserts alone have led to unhealthy food choices, and more research will be necessary to make further assessments. Fast foods have proven to contribute to the cultivation of unhealthy eating habits as well as to create future health risks among children and adolescents. Although many fast food franchises did agree to make healthy changes to their menus, much more work will be necessary before a significant impact will be realized. In the meantime, government programs such as SNAP, NSLP, and SBP, have been assisting people living with food insecurity. Additionally, since 2010, the government has prompted the NSLP and SBP programs to develop more stringent and nutritionally sound

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