
The Effects Of Respiratory Rates When Hyperventilation And Exercise Are Introduced

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The Effects of Respiratory Rates when Hyperventilation and Exercise are Introduced
Allison Roots
29 September 2015
General Biology Laboratory Report
Northwest Missouri State University
Ms. Kelsey Bowlin

Breathing is known as ventilation; and the act of hyperventilation is over-breathing or taking more breaths in per minute than the normal rate. Hyperventilating is a demonstration of a person’s breathing control center, however it causes stress to a person’s body (Campbell et al, 2006). Blood picks up oxygen as it travels and when exercise is introduced the rate of respiration increases to introduce more blood to the oxygen, keeping up with a person’s lungs. The body still taking in breaths at a higher pace than normal, has a different effect on the respiratory rate and system than the act of hyperventilation. Hyperventilation is less controlled, which is the cause of damage due to rapid breathing that purges the blood of so much CO2 that the control center temporarily ceases to send signals to the rib muscles and diaphragm; breathing continues when the CO2 levels increase enough to switch the breathing center back on (Simon et al, 2006).
The medulla oblongata (Simon et al, 2006) is found in the brain steam and controls breathing, circulation, swallowing and digestion. The medulla oblongata will detect the amount of carbon dioxide concentrations and oxygen levels, signals muscles to the heart and send signals to the lungs and diaphragms when they

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