The American cockroach was introduced to the United States from Africa as early as 1625. They belong to the Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Arthropoda, Class: Insecta (Insecta: Blattodea: Blattidae), Order: Dictyoptera, and Family: Blattidae. Its common name is American cockroach and scientific name is Periplaneta Americana (Linnaeus). American cockroaches are normally between one and one and a half inches in length. They are oval shaped and reddish-brow with yellow fringes on the area of the body behind the head as adults. They hide in dark crevices during the day, which could include: sewer and drainage systems, cracks and crevices of a house, steam tunnels, large institutional buildings and basements. They emerge at night to hunt for food. …show more content…
The male cockroaches have cerci with 18 to 19 segments while the female has 13 to 14 segments. The male American cockroaches have a pair of styli between the cerci while the females do not. The life cycle from egg to adult averages about 600 days; and the adult life span may be another 400 days. Adult females will produce an average of 150 offspring in her lifetime. Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity can increase or decrease the developmental time of the American cockroach.
American cockroaches can become a health problem due to their association with human waste and disease. At least 22 species of pathogenic human bacteria, virus, fungi, and protozoans, as well as five species of helminthic worms, have been collected from American Cockroaches. Cockroaches crawl through dirty areas and then walk around our homes bringing in lots of bacteria and germs. They can contaminate food by shedding their skins and leaving their waste around, which can trigger allergic reactions, asthma and other illnesses, especially in children. These pests can contaminate food, causing food poisoning, dysentery, or diarrhea. They can create an unpleasant smell in the home or building which they infest.
Some of the coolest things I’ve learned about my insect: A cockroach can live almost a month without food, about two weeks without water and one week without its head! Some female cockroaches only mate once and stay pregnant for life!
The isopods used for this experiment range in color from gray to brown and were about 8.5 to 18 mm in length. Each Isopod’s head had one pair of antennae and one pair of antennules, both used to detect sensory stimuli from the environment around the pillbug. Their bodies were made of a hard thorax with seven segments and an abdomen. Each pillbug had seven pairs of legs, one for each segment of its thorax. Pill bugs breathe through gill-like structures and must live in moist places.
The creosote bush grasshopper has a simple body. It has a rounded head capsule which contains the compound eyes, chewing mouth parts, and the short thread-like antennae, which are always shorter than the rest of body (Estella, 2009). The middle thoracic segments and part of the abdomen are covered by a type of hard shield called a pronotum which extends from the first thoracic segment. The forewings are leathery but they are not used for flight. Instead, they protect the delicate hind wings. They also have long jumping hind legs, which enable them to leap well over 20 times their body length (Anonymous, 2015).
One day, Jürgen Otto was walking in a forest and nearly stepped on a spider. The spider quickly jumped away and Jürgen had never seen a spider that looked like the spider Jürgen had almost stepped on. He looked on the Internet and in books but only found one picture in a book made in the 1970s. He had discovered the new species called the Peacock Spider. “Peacock Spiders are only about 3 millimeters long and are found only in Australia” (Jürgen Otto, 2005). Jürgen now spends over 40 hours a week studying these spiders Jürgen has found and learned to love Peacock Spiders and document their actions and interests. Jürgen has found over 10 new species of spiders for scientists.
The structural features of the pill bug allows it to have advantages over other organisms. The pillbugs multi-segmented body allows it to roll into a ball if it feels threatened or in danger in order to protect its self. Another advantage of have a multi-segmented body is it allows the pillbug to semi curl to flip its self back over if it is knocked down. The antennae is used to sense the environment around it, even if it is in ball shape form. The advantages of this is the pillbug will know whether or not it is safe to come out of its ball shape form, if it had been threatened earlier. The antennae also allows the pillbugs to send signals to one another, it is a source of communication between them. The color of the pill
In the article” When mosquitoes were killers in America” by Lauren Tarshis, there is evidence that discussed how mosquitoes were far more than a nuisance. The article talked about the symptoms of having malaria. Tarshis said,”Those who become sick get high fevers, bone - rattling chills, and painful muscle aches.” It must have been very painful for people in the olden days who had malaria. The current generation is very lucky because there are medicines that reduce pain. Malaria is a deadly disease caused by mosquitoes sucking blood and transferring the blood to another human's body. Tarshis talked about how many people die in a year due to mosquitoes. The article says” In this way, bite by itchy bite, 212 million people are infected with malaria
The text Revolt of the Cockroach by Oscar Zeta Acosta is about young Chicanos who are protesting for their rights. Many of the Chicanos are not allowed in churches due to their race, their own schools don’t allow them to do certain things. Therefor this book is during the walkouts that happen in the 1960’s the Chicano students going against their schools. The Chicano Militants protests for equal rights to achieve their Mexican-American empowerment; many people mistreat the Chicanos. A lot of the Chicano Militants get arrested for a variety of things. Therefore Buffalo Zeta Brown joins the Chicano Militants as their lawyer in order to help the Chicanos who get arrested free them. Throughout the book, Mr. Brown is mentioned a lot along with
Instead of relaxing one late afternoon in the summer, a person is chasing a fly all over their house. After a person approaches the fly, after hours of trying to catch it, they finally catch and kill the fly with their bare hands. Being a curious person, they put the dead bug in their mouth, and they chew it up and swallow. The aftertaste of the bug was disguising so they ran to the fridge to get water. The next morning the person who ate the bug tells their friend about the traumatizing experience. The friend looks at the bug eater with disgust. Although, the friend should not because in so many countries eating bugs is entirely reasonable and a part of everyday meals. The normalcy of eating bug is in this short article called "Grub" by Dana Goodyear, when she informs the readers about how to eat insect the right way, the specific types of bugs that people can eat, the people who do eat bugs, and the reasons why people should eat bugs.
Frozen poop pills shouldn’t be a pill to cure a disease because when you think of frozen poop pills you think of poop. What if it takes you a long time to swallow it will melt in your mouth. What if you burp would it smell like poop. When i digest do it make you use the bathroom immediately.
Also correct was that the egg sack, or ootheca, that the female cockroaches produced were pursed shaped. Other observations that I was
The small little insect, that some may swat away at, works tirelessly around us to pollinate and present the possibility of further human development on earth.
So exciting things are happening guys last Thursday I was able to get a media pass to the Greensboro Grasshoppers game. I was allowed on the field during the game in the media box which was pretty awesome. It was so incredible being so close up since I had a 200mm lens It put me in the perfect spot for some really cool shots of the game. I was able to talk to the other media people who works for the Grasshoppers and hear about what his job entitles which was very interesting. This Image I took at second base while Justin Twine #1 for the Grasshoppers was tagging out Tyler Sullivan, #24who was sliding into second base. I shot this image at 1/640 @2.8 ISO 1600. I was surprised the image didn't have a lot of grain I shot this with my Nikon D4s
Now I am going to tell you some interesting facts about these beautiful creatures today. Well usually their life span is one
Marxism is the theory of Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels, it’s based on the economical and social system. Marxism emphasizes on the importance of class struggle in society. They thought that economic processes and class struggles laid the groundwork for every important era and movement in history, and would lead to the downfall of the upper class and the rise of an egalitarian communist society. Under capitalism, the working class or “the people,” own only their capacity to work; they have the ability only to sell their own labor. According to Marx a class is defined by the relations of its members to the means of production. The worker is alienated because he has no control over the labor or product which he produces. The
Many people think that Ladybugs are bugs but they are actually beetles. Ladybugs commonly yellow, red, or orange with black spots on their body. There are about 4,300 kinds of ladybugs in the world. The ladybug is found all over the world and there is said to be more than 450 species in North America. The name “Ladybug” comes from Britain`where they became known as “Our Lady’s bird” or also “The Lady beetle”. The average lifespan for the ladybug in the wild is two to three years. Their spots and colors are meant to make them unappealing to predators. Their colors tend to fade as they get older. A threatened ladybug might play dead or crete disgusting fluid that will protect themself. Their Aphids. Aphids are soft insects that suck the
Bed bugs are back in a big way. In the past 15 years their numbers have exploded. In the past, bed bugs ceased to be a problem in North America but they were still alive and well in other countries. Today, their numbers are on the rise again due to travel and immigration from countries that never managed to get rid of them like we did. The bed bug can now be found in every U.S. state. Unfortunately, once you have bed bugs, you’re going to need help.