
The Ergonomic Keyboard And Mouse Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And Other Repetitive Stress Disorders

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Office workers in Mound, Minnesota, may be aware of the importance of the ergonomic keyboard and mouse to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive stress disorders. However, these are merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the health problems researchers have linked to prolonged sitting. High blood sugar The Washington Post reports that poor posture does contribute to a variety of spinal issues, such as neck strain and muscle tissue damage. However, studies show that even at an ergonomic station, the pancreas is negatively affected. That organ produces insulin to help the body regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. When a person sits for hours at a time, muscles stop responding the way they should to insulin, and that prompts the pancreas to go into overdrive. As a result, the risk for diabetes rises. Low mental function Unused muscles take a toll in other areas of the body, as well. Fat is not burned as efficiently when muscle movement is restricted, and that leads to sluggish blood flow and less oxygen in the brain. Lower mental capacity is one side effect, and depression may follow, since the body does not produce the chemicals that improve mood and outlook. Cancer According to Time Magazine, a recent analysis of 43 studies indicates a clear link between sitting for hours during the day, and colon, lung and endometrial cancer. Regular exercise did not lower the risks, which were 66 percent higher for those who are typically deskbound at work.

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