
The Event Of A Science Teacher

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It was during the World Championships Games which was held in Tokyo, Japan in 1991. The 100m mens finals was about to take place. There certainly was a cheerful festive atmosphere that late evening in Tokyo. The sun was just about to set.

A few thousand miles away, life however was moving a little bit slower. It was early evening local time in Malaysia and schools in the afternoon session were going on as usual. Where I come from, schools are held in two sessions - morning and afternoon sessions. At that time I was teaching in the afternoon. It was hot on that particular day. As a science teacher, I was in the laboratory with about 40 pupils - all boys of the age 14. There was no experiment carried out on that day, just some group discussions and written exercises to be completed by the boys. As I walked around the lab, checking on the students ' answers and explaining the topic I was teaching to the different groups, one of the boys suddenly raised his hand and asked if the class could be allowed to watch the 100m men 's World Championship Finals. Everyone started pleading with me, some even begging me. Even the slower boys convinced me that they had finished their chores, albeit a little bit rushed. I looked at all the eager, expectant faces, didnt have the heart to disappoint them. It was indeed, a hot, lazy afternoon, and the students, I felt, were not particularly over excited at the prospect of more 'scholarly ' discussions and exercises. I finally conceded to their

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