
The Extreme Right in Britain Essay examples

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The Extreme Right in Britain


Perhaps, one of the highly debated issues in the electoral procedures of different European nations is about the extreme right. Based on the premise that the nation is the primary unit of social and political organization, extremist nationalism has been revived since the demise of communism. Unlike civic nationalism, which stresses equality and solidarity, the exaggerated, chauvinistic, and aggressive nationalism of the extreme right upholds the significance of the nation and national identity against any other value. Each person is defined by membership in ancient ethnic and cultural groups that are hierarchically arranged according to the "natural order." In the extreme rights’ view, …show more content…

Since then, several political parties have failed to generate much support, like the Dutch Centrumdemocraten (CD). But overall, the newly emerging variants of the extreme right did not suffer the much anticipated "periodical decline” (Epstein 21). They endured and even doubled their electoral turnout over the last two decades. Therefore it has become difficult to dismiss them as temporary and secluded (Hainsworth 10).

Several developments highlight and substantiate the thesis that the extreme right has re-established itself as a significant political actor in several Estern European democracies including Great Britain (Rensmann 93). Extreme and radical populist right parties are far from being a short-lived, transitory, and temporary protest phenomenon that is temporarily endorsed by alienated voters lacking identifiable beliefs; they have largely consolidated their positions in the electoral landscape and beyond. Although in many cases, extreme right actors remain somewhat at the fringe of the political system, they have often succeeded in stabilizing or broadening their constituencies, turning new voters into loyal voters, creating militant extremist milieus and generating nationalist, anti-immigrant movements across Europe. In Great Britain, there

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