After leaving Tattioine and metting up with the rebles. Han was whisked away to th medical bay. scanned and thrown in the bac. tank for safe merusres. he now sat in bed in one of the bunk rooms. "I don't get why I can't rest on the Falcon." "They want you near by so they can keep an eye on you" Leia awnsered. as she climbed into bed next to him. "once you have been cleared, you can go hide out on the falcon" "we, once I've been cleared. I'm taking you to the falcon. and make lov to you all night long" Han gave Leia is ocky smile "sound wonderful" Leia yanwed and snulgged up to Han The two were cuddled up and peacefully alseep. anyone who had stopped by in hopes of visting Han if he wasn't alseep would find the pair cuddled up. the word spread around …show more content…
Right now we are getting ready for a ocne time chance to stop the emipre;s seound death star. if we don't stop them here, who knows what will happen to us or this galaxay. they need to worry less about us and more about the mission" Han was sure Leia was about to start fighting people. When the Endor battle came to an end. the death of the epmoer and vader was celibrated across the gallaxy. Leia and Han now sat alone looking up at the sky. "Han, i need to tel you something" Leia said softly. "what's bugging you,Leia?" Han asked "You know how, i told you Luke is my brother. it turns out our brith father Ankin.. he wasn't killed be Vader" Leia spoke, her heart beat i her throut. "so he is alive?" Han wondered "no, Anikin is dead because he is vader" Leia sobbed out. Han just held her tight. "Leia, let me tell you something right now. Who your birth father is, dose not matter to me. I love you for who you are. we have been threw so much and nothing could ever turn me away from you," Leia sat in slince before speaking "I love you" "I know" Han resopuned life makes love look hard. The stakes are
Gwen Bristow uses biblical references throughout the novel Celia Garth to express her strong faith in God. One example is when the wind changes directions to prevent the British from getting into Charleston bay. Another biblical reference regarding the amount of British troops against Marion and his men is largely favored for the British to win, however the Americans were still victorious against the British. Also when Celia felt lonesome and like she had nothing to live for, Luke was brought back into Celia’s life. Do things happen unforeseen, or is there some kind of higher power?
“Where the hell is he going?” Luke paused. “Ford lives on the other end of
“I- I’m fine” the Captain’s voice was hoarse and broke when he started talking, “he’s dead, I shot him.”
In starwars episode 6, Leia gets captured by Jabba the Hutt and released, Luke resumes his whining (this time as a Jedi), and former Anakin turns to the light side after going through 3 episodes as Darth Vader. Luke is like his father in the sense that he has lost his mother, he learned the force easily, and he saved his father just as Darth Vader saved his son.
But this is where Vader and Ren end their similarities. Vader decides to save his son Luke from the emperors force lightning, while Ren cuts his ties from the light side of the force by slaying his father, Han Solo.
During the Battle of Endor, Han leads a team on Endor. He and his team battle many Stormtroopers with the help of some small native creatures, called Ewoks. Han, his team, and the Ewoks ultimately defeat the Empire’s troops and destroy the shield generators protecting the second Death Star. This is where Lando comes in. Lando leads the Gold fleet into the Death Star in an attempt to launch a torpedo into the main reactor. After many failed attempts, Lando fires the shot that destroys the Death Star and leads to the end of the Empire, making both Han and Lando heroes.
“You can sleep at my place. It’s better than the damaged spacecraft of yours.” Malia offered.
You’re…” (Lucas The Empire Strikes Back 47). After Leia says that, Han “kisses her,” and this awakens Leia and her heart starting her transformation from full logic and reason to having emotions. In a few moments, Leia hears something outside and tells Han. He, then, goes outside to investigate, but Leia tells him, “Are you crazy?!”
He returns to Obi-Wan’s house and finally accepts the call and learns the ways of the force like his father once did. They go to Mos Eisley to find a pilot to take them to Alderaan, where the rebel base is located. They meet Chewbacca and Han Solo, captain of The Millennium Falcon. They will also become a helper/ally of Luke. They are on their flight to Alderaan but are being pulled in by a giant planet. It is not a planet, but the Death Star they soon realize. they hide on the ship and disguise themselves as stormtroopers. Luke advances to the next stage in the journey which is Entering The Unknown. They enter the Death Star to look for Leia while Obi-Wan searches for Darth Vader. Obi-Wan and Darth Vader have a lightsaber duel and Obi-Wan sacrifices himself so that Han, Luke and Leia can escape onto the ship. They leave to Alderaan and discuss a plan with the rebel alliance to destroy the Death Star.
"Why do you care?" Luke asked, annoyed. "He raped you while you were unconscious! He gave you so many drugs, you overdosed; you could've been dead right now!"
One sunny day Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were walking to a park near their house. When out of nowhere a black Suburban pulled up alongside the twins, and the driver asked if they wanted a ride to the park. Luke and Leia both said “no”, but suddenly the Stormtroopers that were with the driver walked up behind the twins catching them off guard. The Stormtroopers knocked out the twins and catching them before they hit the sidewalk. When they got the twins in the black Suburban they sped down the road (toward an abandoned warehouse). When the twins did not return home at 1:30 p.m. Luke and Leia’s parents Anakin and Padmé started to worry, so they called the Miami-Dade police. After an hour Lieutenant Horatio Caine came to the Skywalker residence to talk to the parents of Luke and Leia and where they were headed to. (There were several witnesses that said that they saw a black Suburban pull up alongside the twin.) The Miami-Dade police department got right to work to find the missing twins. Meanwhile the black Suburban finally came to a stop outside an abandoned warehouse. The Stormtroopers got out of the black Suburban and pick up the twins and took them inside the warehouse. Back at the police station Lieutenant Horatio Caine and his team were working hard trying to find the twins. Meanwhile at the warehouse the twins were just waking up to find that they were tied to a chair. The twins were freighted and they just wanted to go home, but what they don’t know is that the Miami-Dade police were searching for them. That is when Han Solo stepped out from behind the black Suburban. As he approaches the freighted twins he asks them “Do you know why you are here?” Luke says “No.” and Leia says the same thing. Han says let me tell you “I work for the Emperor of the Galactic Empire and he wanted Anakin Skywalker’s children because they would powerful and would make great Sith lords possibly more powerful than Anakin. That is why you are here.” Meanwhile Lieutenant Horatio Caine and the Miami-Dade police are investigating the kidnapping of Luke and Leia. Meanwhile at the abandoned warehouse the Stormtroopers were hurting the twins (breaking Luke’s left arm, right leg, a few ribs as well as his left
In your episode, The Empire Strikes Back, when Darth Vader looked at Luke and said, “I am your father,” in a deep, raspy voice sent chills down my spine. Luke’s expression, when he realized Darth Vader was his father was the same as when he realized Princess Leia was his sister. His shocked countenance was full of dismay. Luke is so full of emotions and is such
Star Wars is series of the fantastic films that depict the political tensions and wars among the representatives of different planets in the distant galaxy. The films include a number of positive heroes and charismatic anti-heroes, such as Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) and Kylo Ren (Ben Solo). Both personages have a number of similarities and can be described as the typical Byronic characters. Highly ambitious Anakin Skywalker, who was expected to become a powerful Jedi, has joined the dark side and become a villain. Being inspired by the example of Darth Vader, the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa has decided to follow the path of his grandfather.
waits for the others to rescue him. While heading back to the rebel fleet Vader
“No what his not dead he told me he was coming back,” Trunks starts to cry.