
The Fall Semester Viewing Myself As A Non Writer

Decent Essays

I entered the fall semester viewing myself as a non-writer. I have always had trouble getting the ideas and thoughts out of my head and onto paper. I have always been more comfortable stating aloud what I thought as opposed to writing them down. This semester has taught me a great deal. I have learned that I am capable of accomplishing college level writing. Even more, I have learned that I can focus and dig deeper to add more detail than I had thought I could when I started this semester. Something that I realized is that I can remove myself from what I am reading and find the point of what an author is trying to state. I had the hardest time doing this when I read the essay “Learning to Read” by Malcom X. I had so many issueses with all the statements he made about the entire white race being the cause of all bad things that has ever happened to someone of a different ethnicity that I considered not turning in a reading response for this assignment. I felt that I could not objectively review it. I read the essay a few times and begin to see the points that he was trying to write about the things that affected his life. I did not have to agree with his statements or his point of view but I did learn to take myself out of the story and only review what the author was stating. I know that there will be time that I will get the chance to counter with my own opinion but I feel that this lesson has benefited me as I move forward with my education, I will never like everything

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