
The Fighter Movie Analysis

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The Fighter (2010) directed by David O’Russell is a captivating and passionate sports drama. The film was easily able to portray the journey that the Eklund-Ward family took on Micky’s road to success in a realistic way which made it easy for me to understand and develop emotions towards the film and the characters in it. It was an exceptional watch which captured my full attention. The film made me realise there is always a struggle with success. I saw and experience this while watching the film and I am able to take this new found awareness with me into the real world when the film is over. The performance of the characters and the realistic portrayal of drugs in this film are major aspects that make this film so beguiling.
In the film the main character Micky Ward is a very promising boxer. Being a boxer is a family thing, his mother, Alice Ward, is his manager and his stepbrother brother, Dicky Eklund, is his trainer. Dicky is unreliable and Alice is very resilient. The two were very controlling over Micky and feel they have some sense of supremacy of him. However, even though Micky is working hard to try and make the best of his situation, he keeps getting blows that knock him down. They come in from the left, the right and all other directions, the hits that he receives seem to be the consequences of having Dicky and Alice as part of team. Despite this and his latest fight being unsuccessful, Micky still gets back in the ring.
The performance by Melissa Leo as Alice

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