
The First Forum Of Elementary Schools

Decent Essays

The earliest forum of elementary schools started in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1647. The schools were determined by how many families were in a town. If a town had fifty families they would have an elementary school, if the town had a hundred families then the town would have a Latin school. The objective for both types of schools was to make sure that the children of the Puritan faith could read the bible and learn about their faith. In today’s culture, the elementary schools have changed, students learn all basic subjects that will prepare them for their education in the future (“Historical Timeline of Public Education in the US”, 2015).
The profession of an elementary school teacher is like no other. Instead of teaching just one …show more content…

While you plan lessons and create tests you have to keep everything up to date in accordance with your states current learning standards. The reason you must keep all test and lesson plans up to date is because one of your biggest tasks is to prepare your students for the states standardized tests that your students have to take to go on and further their education. Lastly, meeting with your students one on one is very important in the elementary school system because it helps you understand where they need help, how you can help them and how you can inform their parents on what they can do to help their child to be successful in school, for example you could educate parents on how to find educational apps such as quizlet to help their child study for tests (Gill, 2017).
To be a well-rounded elementary school teacher it will take a lot of work. Four crucial concepts of making a good elementary school teacher are; organization, interpersonal skills, passion and lastly to be fun and enjoyable. When it comes to teaching organization is an important asset to have to be successful at your job. Having an organized classroom where students can find things that they need easily and having a routine in your classroom will keep the students structured. Also, having your school year laid out by objectives and lesson plans to meet on a weekly basis will keep

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