
The Five People You Meet In Heaven By Mitch Albom

Good Essays

For this assignment, I chose to read “The Five People You Meet in Heaven”, a book written by one of my favorite authors, Mitch Albom. The story follows the life and death of an older maintenance worker, Eddie. The book begins as if it is a normal day for Eddie, minus the fact that it his birthday. Eddie wakes up and goes to work at the amusement park Ruby Pier, a position that he has always held and a position that was also held by his father for a great number of years. In Eddie’s effort to save a little girl from being trapped and killed by a falling amusement park ride, Eddie is consequently killed.
Immediately following his death, Eddie sees a blinding flash and then suddenly understands that he is now in heaven. Eddie realizes this because …show more content…

Joseph explains that within each of these levels, there is a particular person that Eddie must meet. Whether Eddie knows the person or not is unimportant. The importance, however, lies in the fact that each of the people that Eddie will soon meet on his journey have either had a significant impact on his life and/or he has made such impact on theirs. For instance, upon the conversation Eddie has with Joseph in the first level of heaven, Eddie comes to understand that he, himself, is actually responsible for Joseph’s death. Joseph informs Eddie that when Eddie was just a young boy, he threw a baseball to his brother; a baseball which landed in the middle of the road, causing Joseph to have a heart attack while driving his car and pass away. From enduring the first level of heaven with Joseph, Eddie learns that there are no random events in life and that everyone is connected in one way or …show more content…

One child in particular stands out to him; a young Filipina girl. She waves to Eddie and approaches him, introducing herself as Tala. There is a language barrier and they attempt to understand each other though it is difficult. Tala is able to explain to Eddie that she was the little girl from the hut which Eddie set on fire back in his war days. Eddie realizes that this young girl, Tala, was the shadow figure which he so desperately wanted to save from the erupting flames. Eddie begins weeping and is overcome by the feeling of guilt. Tala does not say much but she shows Eddie the burns on her body from the fire which she died from. She walks into the river and hands him a stone, asking him to wash her, just as he sees the other children are doing to one another in the river. Confused, Eddie tries to do as she asks by dipping the stone in the water and washing the burns off her body with the stone. Being with Tala causes Eddie to think back to the young girl at Ruby Pier whom he also tried to save, though it was from a falling amusement park ride and not fire. Eddie had wondered about her all throughout his journey through the different levels of heaven. He questioned whether or not he was able to save her like he failed to do for Tala. Tala relieves Eddie when she tells him that he was able to save the young girl’s life the day of Eddie’s death. Along with this information, Tala also teaches Eddie

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