
The Freemont Culture

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The Freemont Culture was initially introduced to world in 1931 through a publication written by Noel Morss. The culture and it's peoples are so named for the Freemont River and the surrounding valley where many artifacts and archeological sites have been found. As more sites have been discovered through the years, archaeologists have learned that the Freemont people ranged from Colorado, through Utah and into Nevada. They also went as far north as Idaho and Wyoming. It is believed that these people lived in the area from about 600 CE through 1300 CE. The Freemont typically lived in small family groups and built pit houses or natural rock shelters. Pit houses are built by digging a round hole several feet into the ground, then using support posts to hold up branches and sagebrush to make up the roof and walls. They were then covered in dirt or mud, leaving a hole in the top to allow for entrance and ventilation. Even though a village could contain a dozen pit houses, they are not as sturdy permanent homes, so it is believed not all houses were utilized at any certain time. However, there are some exceptions, such as the village excavated at Five Finger Ridge where over a hundred of structures were found in what may be the largest Freemont settlement. It is thought that as many as 60 or more people lived at the Five Finger Ridge settlement simultaneously. The Freemont are also known to have built granaries from stone and mud, often high up in rock crevices or on

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