
The Future of Iran Essay examples

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Thomas Schelling, in his book Arms and Influence, describes the way the threat of war can be used in negotiation, to coerce another country to abide by the demands of another. In this case, the United States and the European Union, among others, have been trying to negotiate, even coerce, Iran into giving up its nuclear arms program. For the most part, Iran has not been willing to negotiate much. In fact, Iran is often described as being defiant against the world. Will this defiance cause a war to be started with Iran? The chances are good that a war could take place, but the chances are just as good that political leaders will find another way to deal with Iran’s relations with the world, especially after the long wars in Iraq and …show more content…

Of course, five years has passed since Daalder wrote this article, and the war with Iraq was not easy. So, even though there is continuing negotiations about Iran’s nuclear program and demands that it stops, the threat of war under these circumstances is not likely. In 2006, Daalder did not believe that attacking Iran would take place at all. He said, “But with the human, economic, political, and diplomatic consequences of the Iraq war so very evident to all, there is nothing inevitable about war with Iran” (Daalder 2).
Most countries of the world are concerned about Iran’s nuclear program. The European Union and the United States have been trying to negotiate with Iran for it to end any activities to create nuclear weapons. In 2009, the United States under the Obama Administration began its negotiation process. They first offered Iran positive incentives to develop new relations with the U.S. Iran refused. So, it used another tactic by imposing “pain” on Iran by having stiff sanctions put into place. The United States hoped this would bring Iran to the negotiating table, but it did not (Pollack & Takeyh, 2011, p. 1). In January of 2011, Iranian officials met with the EU

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