“The Gospel According to Larry” was published by Janet Tashjian. “Larry” thinks he can change the world at just seventeen-years-old by starting a fan club talking about his sermons. Sermon number ninety seven is the one I relate to the best. Josh, also known as Larry, gives his own opinion about the sermons he writes himself. In sermon ninety seven, Larry is asking the fan club if the people who they are around every day, are they worth keep forever? Are they going to be there when you are in the toughest times? You want the friends that can listen to you talk and give you advice, not sit there and just listen. If I could only bring one friend with me to survive the world, they would have to have to following features: give good advice, listen
God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, therefore a predetermined path of righteousness or condemnation is contradictory to the core values of Christianity, as it eliminates the need for the will to be saved by Christ. This shows that God does not control our actions, in hopes that we live in accordance to him.
When you think “Christian Worldview,” what comes to mind? I know I automatically think; God, Jesus, Christians, and Prayer. As I have learned through my Christian Worldview class, I have learned that there is a lot more to it and this paper will provide you with what I have learned. Throughout this assignment, I will explain about God, Humanity, Jesus, restoration, my analysis of the Christian Faith, and my reflection.
There are a variety of differing worldviews in practice today. Every person has a worldview that is shaped by their experiences, pasts, families, traditions, values, and beliefs that form the core of who they are. The Christian worldview is no exception. This worldview is formed by the beliefs and teachings of the Bible. The worldview is shaped and centered around the view of who God is, the purpose of humanity, the true identity of Jesus, the restoration of humans to God, acknowledging the strengths and weakness of the worldview, and the practicality of living out the worldview.
There a lot of differing worldviews in practice today. Every person has a worldview that is shaped by their experiences, pasts, families, traditions, values, and beliefs that form the core of who they are. The Christian worldview is no exception. This worldview is formed by the beliefs and teachings of the Bible. The worldview is shaped and centered around the view of who God is, the purpose of humanity, the true identity of Jesus, the restoration of humans to God, acknowledging the strengths and weakness of the worldview, and the practicality of living out the worldview.
Gospel of Wealth is an article written by Andrew Carnegie back in 1889. Carnegie was the second richest man in America. By dominating the steel industry. Carnegie believed that people like him had a responsibility, to use their wealth (money) to benefit the good. So, people like him should promote the welfare of others or charity to close the gap between rich and the poor. This belief became known as the Gospel of Wealth. Carnegie believed that leaving all your money to one person was unacceptable. While you are alive they should use their money to benefit society. Carnegie gave about 90% of his wealth during his lifetime (Ame3).
Let’s talk about the world about 2,000 years ago. It was a world where the mass of people were illiterate, taxes were extremely high, and the leaders would cheat and kill to feed their ever growing need for power. We all can relate to having a good storyteller in our lives, most were read to at night by their parents or are parents themselves that read to their children. What is the purpose of storytelling? It’s simple, comfort. A good story can ease your psychological unrest as well as offer a moral purpose. Sometimes you can even relate a story to your own life and offer an explanation to something you may be experiencing. This is exactly what the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were. They told their stories of Jesus to offer comfort to their people in a time when people could not pick up a story and read it themselves. It is part of human nature to have the desire for a good story. This paper will describe several events that were written by great storytellers in the bible.
Christianity is a Theism worldview that focuses on the belief in one personal and relational God that created all that exists (Hiles, & Smith, 2015). God created man in his likeness to care for all that has been created, to know and worship God, and to love and obey God (Diffey, 2015). Man is to rule and have dominion over the earth, be fruitful and multiply, filling the earth (Genesis 1:28). Christians rely on the support of the Holy Bible to guide them in the word of God. The Bible consist of four basic acts, the Creation, the Fall of Humanity, Redemption, and Restoration (Diffey, 2015). Christians believe that God sent his only Son to die on the cross for their salvation. In this paper will be a focus on the Christian worldview discussing God, humanity, Jesus,
someone to watch your back, as well as their opinion matters before anybody else in the
Data was collected on historical developments, such as laws passed, political developments, significant moral issues, family and demographic developments, as well as generational values. Further data was collected from governmental agencies that forecast potential future economic and demographic issues. Other research considered social areas that can be strengthened in order to influence future generations toward a more Christian Sociological framework.
The Art of Personal Evangelism: Sharing Jesus in a changing culture By Will McRaney, Jr. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Academic, 2003, 268 pp., $19.99 paper.
Our worldview allows us to see into the world at such an angle that it coincides with our beliefs, therefore affecting how we think and live. Whether one falls under an atheistic, pantheistic, or theistic worldview, they are guided in their life choices depending on the beliefs of their worldview. Throughout this paper, I will summarize the elements of a Christian Worldview such as God, Humanity, Jesus, and Restoration; I will then analyze questions one might have about the Christian Worldview, and finally I will reflect on my worldview.
Close friends often have a major impact on the choices that people make. A close
With those characteristics, one also becomes a friend, a companion that everyone aspires to have by their side.
When studying the Bible, one encounters different details from seemingly identical narratives and passages. These narratives and passages are called doublets. In biblical scholar, Richard Friedman’s book Who Wrote the Bible?, he states that a “doublet is a case of the same story being told twice” with variations in specific details (22). Some examples of doublets in the Bible are two different stories of creation, the covenant between God and Abraham, Joseph sold into slavery and more. The doublet focused on in this paper is the stories of creation. Instead of being spread apart in separate books of the Bible or being completely intertwined, these narratives are told right after the other.
Jesus Christ, God incarnate came to earth to save everyone from eternal damnation in hell. As humans, with Adam and Eve as our representatives in the Garden of Eden, they broke God’s one commandment, therefore allowing sin to come into the world. Because of this fall, we all deserve damnation, and because of the sin nature inside of us, everyone deserves to die and be eternally punished. However, because of the loving and gracious nature of God, He sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross to be our representative for sin. When he took the cross, not only did he bear the physical pain of the lashes, the dehydration, and the cross itself, but he also drank God’s cup of wrath for us. Everyone on earth deserves to be on that cross, but Jesus, through his great love for us, paid the ultimate price of his own life to save us.