
The Great Crisis in Egypt

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In Egyptian colloquial language the 1967 war against Israel is dubbed elnaksa meaning “the great crisis”? This term signifies the great loss of Egyptian pride and identity that have become greatly synonymous with this war for Egyptians. Perhaps what made matters worse was the fact that the Egyptian people felt betrayed by their leader Gamal Abd El Nasser who had greatly disillusioned them and was greatly disillusioned himself into believing that Egypt could enter this war and emerge victorious. The question therefore becomes “Why did Egypt decide to escalate conflict with Israel by embarking on the 1967 war?”
There are two main factors which greatly motivated Egypt towards in escalating the pre-emptive attack by Israel into a full scale war. The first factor is the anti-western sentiment present in the domestic and foreign policy initiatives of Egypt under Nasser; these initiatives are collectively known as Nasserism and reflect a larger ideological paradigm of post-colonial identity politics and Egypt’s aspiration of achieving a regional hegemony. The second factor can be attributed to how Nasserism and this aspiration interacted with Nasser’s choice to with and the USSR under the bipolar power structure of the Cold War. Thus, it was the interaction between certain ideological aspects of Nasserism and the bipolar division of power that led Egypt to escalate the 1967 pre-emptive Israeli attack into war.
This paper will begin by outlining its theoretical

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