The Great Evolving Hand Experiment Reflection Response 1. In the experiment, it was progressively easier to complete all of the four tasks through each hand shape from the “Fin” to the “Human Hand”. The most important thing that I have learned from this experiment is that the hands of humans has probably evolved from a hand shape similar to the “Fin”. Humans have developed opposable thumbs from the tasks that they need to do in order to survive and function in the world. For example, in the experiment we were not able to write with a pencil with a “Fin” and as we continued to evolve (remove tape) and develop fingers, it became increasingly easier to control and hold the pencil. 2. In order to complete each task, I mainly needed my fingers or just two parts of the hand which can be used to grasp an object, such as the palm and the top of the hand. It was difficult to pick up objects and be able to control them without fingers because the wrist or palm of the hand is hard to manoeuver and grasp an object. Even though, we eventually developed some fingers and found that it was easier to pick up objects, it was still difficult to control and grip them with our hands during the experiment. 3. …show more content…
Humans have five fingers because it allows them to complete everyday tasks easily and efficiently. It helps them control and grip objects of hold tools properly. In the experiment, the opposable thumbs made it easier to control and hold the pencil better when writing and as we developed more fingers, the control and grip continued to increase as well. As well, the thumb allows us to utilize our nails on all fingers, making it easy to pick up small objects like the paperclip. This shows that humans who have fingers allows them to be able to handle tools and objects
Babies will start to take an Interest in playing with fingers and opening and closing hands.
In one of the experiments, Mary Gasseling took a little patch of tissue, early in development, from what would be the pinky side of a limb bud. She took that tissue and put it on the opposite side right beneath where the first finger would form. The chick would develop and form a wing; the new fingers were also copies of the normal set. Basically, the tissue (more specifically some molecule or gene inside the tissue) was able to direct the development of the pattern of the fingers. This led to further experiments that defined the ZPA, or the zone of polarizing activity. This patch of tissue is able to determine the difference between the pinky side and the thumb side.
All animals with limbs have a common design. If a batwing were to be formed from a person’s hand, make the fingers extremely long; a horse elongates the middle fingers and reduce and lose the outer ones; frogs elongate the bones of the leg and fuse several of them together. All in all, despite radical changes in what limbs do and what they look like, this underlying blueprint is always present.
| |The children have developed the ability to pick up tiny objects using a fine pincer grasp rather than the small objects at 12months. | |
People are like severed fingers from a hand because they cannot function alone. They need their main component (the palm) to work correctly.
During the third to eighth week of conception, fingers, arm bones, and toes are being formed. Limbs start off as buds that then extend outward. This is all due to the DNA that is in each and every cell in the body.
which we are allow to control by ourselves are called the voluntary muscles and the ones we
A new baby cannot hold up his or her head alone. Yet, within a few months, the baby will be able to sit alone. This is because control of the spine and central nervous system develops from the top of the head down to the base of the spine. You can see this control developing in a baby as he or she starts to hold the head without support. Similarly, a new-born baby waves his or her arms around vaguely, yet in nine months’ time will find the tiniest crumb or piece of Lego easy to pick up with the thumb and finger. This is because the nervous system also develops from the spinal cord out to the extremities (hands and feet).
The two components of the central nervous system (CNS) are the brain and the spinal cord. Communication between the brain and the spinal cord happens through motor neurons, which are nerve cells that enable motor movement. Each motor neuron is made up of a cell body, which holds all the cell components, dendrites which send information it receives to the cell body, and an axon which sends nerve impulses to the muscle (Porth & Matfin, 2009). As electrical impulses are sent through the motor neuron, it stimulates the muscle fibers in the body to move. This is the process in which motor function happens. Therefore, the basic abilities to breathe, speak, swallow, walk and button a shirt are
Three physical changes the infant undergoes includes (1) going from using basic reflexes to learning complex motor skills (e.g. how to crawl and walk); (textbook p. 142; Chapter 4), (2) developing fine motor skills (e.g. precisely reaching and grasping for a toy); (p. 185; Chapter 5), and (3) developing vision, specifically depth perception and pattern perception (e.g. developing the ability to recognize); (pp. 189-193, Chapter 5). These are examples of the dynamic systems theory of motor development as the infant progresses in a sequence.
Thus the focus on hands tolerates social implication that draws on ideas of humanity. It is only humans that seem to possess hands, or humanoid figures such as Grendel (and not paws, or just feet, or
In this same section, Shubin included Charles Darwin’s statement that makes it easier to understand. Humans have the same layout as other vertebrate creatures because we all came from a common descent (Shubin p. 32). Finally, the ancient fish, the Eusthenpteron, which we shared this limbs structure with was discovered in Devonian rocks around 380 million years old. It had the exact limbs structure as Owen described, however for this fish, the bones of the limbs were inside a fin (Shubin, p.33). This ancient fish unlocked the mystery that we are derived from a common ancestor that enable us to hold tools to do our everyday life tasks.
The human foot is an example of micro-evolutionary and macro-evolutionary changes. It has had to adapt to bipedal walking and the stress that is caused by being upright. To identify changes in the human foot; comparative, molecular, and biocultural approaches and their paradigms are used. Therefore, different, and cumulative approaches are needed to make informed hypotheses in biological anthropology. The foot will be shown as an example of approaches commonly used and the resulting perspectives in biological anthropology.
One of the most astonishing things on earth is the human body. They consist of many organs that work together to maintain the person alive. The humans body composition is complex, but what was the origin? How did we become who we are today? These are the questions that intrigued me, and allowed me to understand how the human body evolved over the years. By the examination of our ancestors, and our body we will understand how we look today.
A few examples of Fine Motor activities displayed during the early years include handwriting skills, drawing pictures, making objects out of clay, and even cutting with scissors. Each of these activities is characterized by including the small-muscle developments that involve finger-thumb coordination, hand-eye coordination, and the development of muscle strength in the hand and arm. All in all, motor skills are an important part of the learning process, and as these “fundamental motor skills are learned...[they] serve as the foundation for more specialized motor skills that will be