
The Greatest Inspirations Of Life

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Unexpected Inspirations
The greatest inspirations in life are unexpected and unplanned. They can define someone and change who they are as a person. These circumstances can also help someone grow into who they are meant to be. For example, my greatest inspiration was the birth of my son. Through gaining a child I have learned to put all my selfishness aside and place him above anything and everything. He is my reminder for why I work and further my education. My reason why I want to better myself and exceed above and beyond societies expectations of a young mother. Also he has matured me into the person I am today. The end of my senior year in high school I remember being unbelievably sick, not the normal cough and cold sick either. It was more of an unceasing fever, my body was in a constant cold sweat, and the only thing I could stomach was Chick-fil-a’s chicken noodle soup. Shortly after I went in for a doctor’s appointment where I was told I had a virus that would go away within a week. Two weeks after I was thankfully feeling better with an occasional nauseous sickness. A few days followed and my boyfriend at the time surprised me with a pregnancy test. He asked if I would take it to ease his nerves due to my symptoms. So of course I took it, though every inch of me was in a panic waiting for my result. I remained in the bathroom holding my test not allowing my eyes to wander from the little screen on the white plastic stick in my hands. With my eyes peeled a single

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