
The Group 1 Takeover : Is Global Warming Our Fault?

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The Group 1 Takeover was a success in my mind. A PowerPoint presentation was made and the information was presented in a concise way that the material did not seem overbearing or condescending. The topic focused on climate change or global warming. The message of the presentation asked if the cause of the current increase in temperatures is attributed to the increase in CO2 emissions by humans. The value and of this conversation comes at a time when there is lots of politics involved creating gridlock not only for citizens but also for scientists. Jonathan Armentrout, Devonta Williams and Ariana Ireland-Nelson ask, “Is Global Warming Our Fault?”, and immediately you start to think about all of the information you have been feed. The audience is for the younger generation and for those that can make a difference. We won’t be young forever and being an informed elder is a lot better than being a misinformed elder.
Memorization isn’t a bad thing and neither is not focusing on people’s feelings. Mathematics would be in a world of trouble if people felt 2+2=3. However, speech should never be suppressed or edited. Feelings, dreams or aspirations are appropriate anytime and exploring them allows us to gain knowledge and insight to the lives of others. Dreams at some point get grounded because some ideas do not work in the real world. Some dreams do work. Some dreams that weren’t possible 500 years ago are possible today. A simple airplane has turned into a flight with a shower

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