
The Harmful Effects Of Body Shaming Analysis

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Slim, Thick, and Shameful There is a girl walking down the road toward a group of girls who are talking to each other. Within that conversation, the girl passes the group. The girl hears the other girls talk about how fat the girl was and that she should really try to lose some weight. Later on, that same girl that was called fat then gets told that she is too big to be loved, that she is too fat to be cared for. That girl then goes home every day and crys. Then, this girl develops a poor image of herself. This scenario shows how body shaming is a problem. Body shaming is when someone criticizes someone else's body, or that person criticizes their own body due to trying to compare their body with someone else’s. When someone body shames …show more content…

Within the media people start to compare themselves to whatever the perfect body type is that is shown on the cover of the magazine. In an interview, Hannah Smoot was asked if body shaming has affected her in any way. Smoot responded with, “Yeah. Because I am a bigger girl. I’d say, pressure from media has affected my self esteem. But, I’ve never had face to face confrontation, but I know they say it behind my back...” Smoot’s statement explains how media can affect how a person views themselves. In the article, “Why are People Unhappy with Their Bodies?”, the author states, “With these media images and body ideals, it’s little wonder that women and men feel inadequate, ashamed, and dissatisfied with how they look.” Before this, the author explained how unhealthy it would be if everyone was the ideal image the media portrays. The author explained the health risks this unhealthy image would pertain. But, people still tend to want to reflect what the media says is perfect.In, “Fat Talk and Your Self Image”, the the author enhances the idea of how unfair the media’s image is by stating, “ Women’s body image, however, seems to be more vulnerable to media portrayals of the “perfect” female form.” The media actively changes how people perceive the body. With photoshop being actively used within the media, people will start to body shame themselves. Which, due to media, is becoming more prevalent. In an interview, Dorothy Richterkessing and Hannah Smoot

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