
The Health And Safety Of Construction Sites

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The construction industry is considered as one of the most hazardous workplace environment. With the increasing economic status of UK, it is expected that the construction industry will also be in the move. The Health and Safety of the construction sites is a prime concern of the government of UK. Based on the HSE, there are guidelines that are set for the construction company’s compliance. There are set requirement set by the HSE for the purpose of supervising and controlling the various site activities to ensure that the company abides by the safe systems of work. The guidelines set by the HSE provide an overview in the identification of hazards. Likewise, it outlines the various requirements for the companies for the monitoring and …show more content…

Nature of Construction Industries: The nature of works in a construction site made it as a dangerous workplace. The hazards and dangers that are present in the work place are innumerable, causing injury, illness, or even death to site workers. These dangers include the COSHH risks that comprise the hazardous substances that include chemicals, dust and others. There are also accidents related to injuries due to manual handing, being hit by heavy equipment, and many more. The physical injuries, emotional stress, and illness of construction workers are very costly for the management. The legislation for the health and safety in the construction industries is also increasing with the last three decade. There is great responsibility placed among the supervisors and site managers. In effect, the qualifications set for these positions also increased (NEBOSH, 2013). The nature of the works done in construction industry is dynamic where change is prevalent from time to time and the sites are almost always temporary. Majority of the employees in this industry have little skills and low education. Furthermore, the nature of business for subcontracting results to transient workers. There is indeed a poor image among the workers in the construction industry due to the nature of the jobs and the negative workplace venues that are dirty, difficult, and dangerous (International Labour

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