
The Health Benefits Of Blood Transfusions

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Although 38% of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, less than 10% of them do it annually (American Red Cross). More than 41,000 blood donations are required each day by patients in hospitals across America. A pint of donated blood can save the lives of up to three people. Blood transfusions’ are fundamental in the healthcare management of patients in the U.S. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute every year approximately 5 million Americans need blood transfusions. Those patients requiring blood transfusions include accident victims, cancer patients, surgery patients and those suffering from illness such as anemia and hemophilia. However, blood is not manufactured in laboratories and therefore all patients in need of blood transfusions rely on donors. Regardless of the countless health benefits that patients requiring blood transfusions get the donors also acquire some medical benefits. Such as free medical checkups before donation, ionic balance in their bod and the reduced risks of getting heart disease making the benefit mutual.
The lessening of iron stores and iron in the body while donating blood can diminish the dangers of tumors. It expands free-radical harm in the body of a person since it raises the chances of tumor development as a person ages (Kiss et al. 35). A report of 1,200 individuals were divided into two groups through a span of 4 ½ years conveyed that the members of one group decreased their iron stores by

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