
The How 's And Why 's Of Teaching With Courage

Decent Essays

The How’s and Why’s of Teaching with Courage Education enriches life. Therefore, teachers instruct knowing that they are teaching very involved individuals. No matter how they dedicate a tremendous amount of time to reading and research; the art of teaching requires a command of content that seamlessly escapes their grasp. As we challenge the mental capacity of students, it takes a courageous individual to seek the balance between risk and reward when teaching others. The purpose of this paper is to illuminate the challenges educators face, as well as inspiring leaders to mentor young students in the community. With the influx amount of competition in the workforce, students must aim towards becoming diverse individuals to …show more content…

One must be willing to step out of their comfort zone to flourish. Seeing myself as an educator gave me the courage to go back to school and get a degree in education. It was a desire of mine to learn all I can to improve my present performance to one that would lead me down a successful path. In Ford Walston, article titled, “Courage and caring step up to your next level of nursing excellence” describe courageous peoples as the ones who move upward and forward never stop, to accomplish a challenging goal by taking risks and these risks reveal their heart and spirit. Insights gained from reading The Courage to Teach One idea that stood out to me in Palmer book “The Courage To Teach” is on mentoring and how mentoring develop great teacher and student. Mentoring helps one to grow their identity, and after a while, the one mentored comes to the realization that it is now time for them to go out and mentor others and give back. When we mentor our identity and integrity have a new chance to evolve as we encounter with our student lives. Mentoring stood out to me because I am having a great need to mentors others along my career path so as to give back to the younger generations. In Robert Bullough article “Being and becoming a mentor: school-based teacher educators and teacher educator identity” he states that as teachers you do what you know and as a mentor, as you

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