
How Music Affects Society

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Music has affected lives in many ways. It affects emotions, fashion and even the way people live. Music has affected society. Music has been around for more than thirty thousand years, and has been evolving ever since. It has played an important role in every human culture from the past and present. Whenever an individual is feeling unhappy the person usually listens for entertainment or to soothe their environment. Certain type of music can change an individual’s mood. Music has been used in movies, fairs, parties, and ceremonies. Almost every occasion has music involved but before the 1850’s, outdoor public music in American cities was barely developing. Public music like festivals, outdoor band concerts did not exist. By 1871 most of the music people would listen to was “church” music. Not many genres have been known and most of the popular artist were from Europe. Great artist from Europe would consider America the last place of visiting on a professional tour. The article “National Progress in Music – America The Mecca of European Artist” published in 1872 by New York Herald explains how America was very unpopular in music and how slowly began the growth of sound in the country. This article describes the position and the atmosphere America was in before the wars, before the nation becoming together to celebrate. It makes it seem like the country was made up of random people living together and having the awkward feeling of being together. Before the wars, before the

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