
The Impact Of The Transatlantic Slavery On Liverpool

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The Impact of Slavery on Liverpool
The transatlantic slave trade was undisputedly an imperative part of English history, and furthermore an essential foundation in shaping social structures and economies. This was perhaps most notable in the city of Liverpool; a city, whose input into the slave trade managed to transcend it from a small fishing town to one of the most renowned cities in the country. This essay will explore and contextualise the transnational slave trade within Liverpool and its various intricacies; addressing both the social and economic factors of the use of slavery along with, inevitably, its abolition. The essay will utilise and inspect a variety of sources cited from various eras, each providing a unique perspective that can be both explored, and applied in a wider context to Liverpool’s society and relevant ideologies, ergo addressing the question of the impact that slavery had unto the city of Liverpool.

Context to the Transatlantic Slave Trade and How it was Integrated into Liverpool:
The transatlantic slave trade was integrated into England amid the 16th century (with the first occurrence of the trade taking place in 1563.), where it began to develop as one of the country’s most lucrative trades. Nowhere was this more evident than in the case of Liverpool, a city that ascended into prosperity from the spoils of the triangular trade.
One of the first instances of English slaving voyagers was that of John Hawkins, a Plymouth merchant who led some of

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