
The Impact Of Video Games On Children

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Salman Aldoukhi ENGL 101-401 Tylor Staffileno 12 April 2017 The Impact of Video Games on Children Introduction “Video games are bad for you, that’s what they said about rock-n-roll” (Shigeru Miyamoto). Video gaming is regarded as a ubiquitous part of children and adolescents’ life. Children who are daily involved in this activity in the US account for 97% of their total. Additionally, for those at an average of 8-13 years old, approximately, 8.5% of them are addicted to playing video games. Moreover, children at the age of 13-18 spend 16 hours per week playing. Video games are so prominent in this current world that we cannot prevent them from being involved entirely. While others believe that video games should not be made available to …show more content…

They argue that it is as a result of the emotional response stimulated by the violent game due to provocation. Addiction is another highly debated issue. Several studies have proved that video games contribute to unhealthy activities. According to Buckley, obesity among the children had increased tremendously over the years (19). They argue that there exists a connection in extended video play and the development of physical pain. There is a belief that there will be decreased effect in education, termed “displacement effect.” As such, it shows more time is spent on playing games rather than studying or doing course work. Additionally, playing video games may result in attention deficits, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. As highlighted by Brook, a greater percentage of individuals suffering from obesity are highly involved in video games (22). Most children do not engage in healthy and physically demanding activities. It is evident that children involved in sports tend to meet new people and make new friends. Lastly, people argue that it may ultimately lead to a complicated reality and fantasy. As such, there is a belief that it exposes peoples’ brains to constant fantasy embedded in the outside world. According to a study by Chen, today’s children are so much instilled in their games that they mistake fantasy for the reality of the current world (8). As such, the argument is that, when they repeatedly become exposed to the game, even in their

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