
The Importance Of Action In Advocacy

Decent Essays

Action in Advocacy
To advocate for the standardization of educational requirements a tactical advocacy framework utilizing Group Formulation is necessary to develop groups with the same goal (Stachowiak, 2013). Choosing group formulation as an advocacy strategy aligns with my leadership philosophy of servant-leadership and ACA value of practicing in an ethical manner. I feel a need to fill a leadership gap and find a way to assist the organization with being an agent of change, even if this means running for an elected office in an association.
If I were elected the President of AASCB, I will have to maintain an ethical balance between the rights of the state, protecting the community, and advancing the protection. Beginning this project …show more content…

The process will take some time, as I will need to attend licensure board meetings to understand the culture of the boards. Understanding the culture of the board will guide me towards the best approach to recommend changes in current regulations. Utilizing the servant leadership approach, I will invite other AASCB members with interest in standardizing the educational standards to attend licensure board meetings and meetings. Incorporating other members of the group will empower them to serve as leaders in their mesosystem, and creating a larger group of interested parties.

Advocacy is often seen as people speaking out for a compelling cause and the funding is often overlooked. Oklahoma like other states is in a budget crisis and changing standards will have ripple effects down to the microlevel, requiring schools in the state to obtain accreditation. The acceptance of CACREP accredited education as the standard will make the credit requirements obsolete and require programs to seek accreditation. This program impacts every level of professional counseling, it is necessary to identify an appropriate funding source to promote and implement the changes to standards at the state board level. Prior to presenting the issue to the leader of the licensure board, I will ensure I outline sources of funding for this initiative.
The U.S. Department of Education is a useful source for funding of higher education

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