The British empire, as well as many others, were diminishing, during the post-war era. The focus of this essay is to answer the question debating the relevance of British imperialism on immigrants who enter the United Kingdom during the post-war period. In summary, the answer that will be provided is that imperialism was the main contributor to pulling people towards Britain, yet it was not the only one. On the other hand, the imperial status had no relevance on all the immigrants, and this also will be discussed. Between the years of 1948 and 1962, it has been estimated that 500,000 immigrants from the British Commonwealth entered the United Kingdom. This essay will concentrate on these years and these immigrants, as 1948 saw the opening …show more content…
This was the ship that transported passengers from Commonwealth countries to Britain. The passengers on board the Empire Windrush were predominately Jamaicans; but there were other nationalities of Australians, Mexican, Polish, and other people from the Caribbean islands. The docking of the Empire Windrush was a watershed moment, as Kushner explains that, on one side was the empires’ end, while on the other was a revision of what British meant. The age of the empire was when those living in Britain embarked on gaining territories for economic and prestige reasons, spreading civilisation. However, since the end of the Second World War, colonies were demanding independence, yet, for some who gained this independence, they still wanted some sense of British influence. This was the beginning of the British Commonwealth. As the Phillips brothers point out, however, prior to the Windrush arriving in Britain in 1947, there was a black population able to trace their lineage back a few centuries. Additionally, during the Second World War, about ten thousand West Indian men arrived in Britain, which was more than the entire pre-war black population. Hence, Britain was not new to having a black population, the problem was the numbers of this population was increasing uncontrollably. Many of these passengers from the Commonwealth came to Britain because of its imperial importance on their countries.
After the war, Western European countries experienced a labour shortage,
Since the beginning of time various groups across the globe have fought for their freedom, and territory. Some groups failed and found little fortune while others prospered giving way to powerful nations capable of seizing land from the less fortunate for their own benefit. This is what modern day historians refer to as imperialism. Throughout history these powerful nations have used imperialism to their advantage. In simple terms imperialism is a powerful tool used by powerful nations in order to spread their influence into other smaller less powerful nations, whether it be through religion, pop-culture, technology, or military force. Which eventually results in total domination over the area in which the powerful nation has spread its
The British originally came in as a decent sized company in East India, but when the sepoys attacked that company, England sent their whole army and navy to get the sepoys under control, but while doing that they also took over all of India. Although economically and socially the Indians did benefit in some ways, the British established a massive infrastructure by controlling India and having a huge political, economic, and social impact on India that helped them more than it helped the Indians.
British Imperialism negatively affect on Indian Politics. Due to the government being beyond the control of native Indians and the fallout of religious groups fighting after independence made the political climate a toxic one. Though the British administration was “superbly efficient” (¶#6, Lavani), that administration was made of 960 offices. 900 offices were held by english men whilst the remaining 60 were held by Indian politicians (Document 2). Natives in government positions were outnumbered 15 to 1, an insane statistic that left Indians politically powerless.
British Imperialism was horrible and it should always be remembered that way. British Imperialism started with the British wanting to make trade safer, reliable, and inexpensive. They had the East India Company explore navigation trade routes. The EI Company got involved in hostilities leading to them overthrowing Bengal, while at the same time the British Parliament started regulating the EIC, which put Bengal under indirect control of the British government. The next 80 years the company extended across the subcontinent, leaving the British to be in almost full control in most of India, which most consider to be colonization.
British imperialism had a negative impact on the politics of India because of the establishment of the framework for India that leads to their downfall and the Indian Army which they used to control their own kind. According to Dr.Lalvani, the British established the framework for India’s justice system, civil services, loyal army, and the efficient loyal police. (Paragraph #6). While this is true, the framework didn’t include the Indians, because “Of 960 civil offices, 900 are occupied by English men and 60 by natives”(Doc. #2). British laws often benefited the British and were designed to limit the freedom of speech of the Indians, for example, the Rowlatt Act in 1919. (Gandhi). This evidence shows that the British, when creating the framework for the new and improved India wanted to benefit from it while trying to lower the Indian’s and limit the
British imperialism, changing our lives from the start to the end, impacting the whole world, by 1920, the British Empire ruled over one quarter of the world. This one quarter also included the population of India. Basically starting because of the British East India company needing things such as indigo for cloth and cotton, the British government decided to take over and control politically, economically, and socially over India. The British Introduced the Indians to a new way of control and government and industrialised India. But the British made a government more for control rather than to improve the Indians lives and serve them.
A question often contemplated, but never concluded: Is the effective rule of an alien power bette that the mismanaged one of your own? This was the case for the people of India during British colonial rule. India was the largest and most significant colony that was controlled at the height of the British Empire. Because of its vast quantities of cotton, tea and indigo, the British East India Company began to take over Indian cities in 1757, essentially establishing a monopoly over trade. When British sepoys rebelled against the East India Company in 1857, both the East India Company and the British military took over the entire country of India. Despite many Indians remaining illiterate, British rule in India was efficient, affluent and contributive.
Starting in 1754, the Seven Years’ war began and led up to a sequence of events involving the Parliament. The Parliament is the highest legislature in Great Britain and consisted of the House of Lords and House of Commons. The Parliament made three acts because of the Seven Years’ war, which affected the colonist greatly. The three acts made by the Parliament included the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and the Tea Act. The Parliament made the acts to resolve issues and to enforce more laws, however, some acts made the colonist very upset and led up to events of commotion. The colonist had mixed emotions towards the act because some were liked and others were not.
Imagine a country coming into yours and ruining your environment. Killing your people. Taking your land- your power. Pushing you and the ones you love into starvation and poverty. In reality, this is what imperialism was for India when the British had gained control over them.
The American Revolutionary War started in 1977. It began because of an open conflict between the thirteen colonies and Great Britain. The
In the past few centuries, multiple countries largely involved in imperialising had been in Western Europe. They had imperialism in places such as Asia, Africa, and America. When a country imperialized, they extend their rule into a foreign country. Imperializing a country allows trade with the country that is taking the rule and also their allies. With this in mind, it is clear that there is a worldwide economy coming together through the trade of goods and services.
"All the leadership had spent their early years in England. They were influenced by British thought, British ideas, that is why our leaders were always telling the British "How can you do these things? They're against your own basic values.". We had no hatred, in fact it was the other way round - it was their values that made us revolt."
English, trade, and the United States of America, all great things that came out of British imperialism. Although its reach left some wounds that are not completely healed, it also sparked the creation of key parts of the world we live in today. Overpopulation and economic struggles in Britain allowed people to start anew and birth things like democracy in lands far from home. English was established as the common language, which broke communication barriers and opened the door for trade and commerce. Railroads and new technologies were established in Africa, who was stuck in the stone ages. Our world evolved through the struggles of imperialism, and these changes kick started many new ideas and ventures that have made the world what it is
1. The political motivations for English imperialism were made on country that is craving to succeed in power, to increase their land, to have an armed force, to achieve respect by captivating colonies, and increase pride and security countrywide. The Pilgrims left England to North America because they were seeking freedom from religious oppression from King James I. Even though most of them died during the cross over, the few that made it settle very quickly with the help of the Native Americans. These groups of people were very religious and wanted to keep their faith alive. Their leaders in England did not tolerate it so they decide to leave England to a place where can freely express their religion. (U.S History, 2008-2016)
empire covered they were able to send goods to locations all over the world with