
The Importance Of Brushing And Flossing Your Teeth

Decent Essays

Amber always new the importance of brushing and flossing your teeth, but always seemed to have a hard time taking care of her own teeth, brushing only a few times a week and not flossing during her daily oral hygience routinue. Entering her early twenties, not ahving a proper oral hygiene routine can be the start of decay or peridontal dieases. As she was finishing getting ready for her dental appointment at Restorative Dentistry, she quickly brushes over her teeth and flosses, mostly jamming the floss into the gums and barely removing anything stuck between the teeth. Amber makes her way into the waiting room and is greeted by two women receptionist. She sit her self down and is called by a dental assistant to go back into the clinic side. The dental assistant takes seven X-Rays of her teeth and a dental hygienst comes in, and begins the scale her teeth, with her dental istruments. The dental hygienst calls in the dental assistant and ask if she can help with a Perio chart. The dental assistn joins and the dental hygienst begins to call out numbers. "Five, four, five.. four, four, four," signs the dental hygiene. The dental hygienst continues to read numbers out loud and then the counting stops and the dental assistnat leaves the room. "What do the numbers mean and how are my numbers?" Amber asked, already knowing by the dental hygienst attidue that her numbers were poor. "Healthy numbers are between one to three, and most of your number were in the four

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