
The Importance Of Complaint Procedure In Health And Social Care

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Since, Mr. J was under mental capacity act and was financially abused by his neighbours, he could ask help from OPG. In this regard, the opportunities to make complaint was missed in many instances which could stop the cycle of abuse in this case. Importance of complaint procedure o Complaint procedures helps to identify the loopholes in the quality of the delivered care. In addressing the complaints from service user, the service provider can identify the flaws in the delivered care and take necessary actions to remove those flaws. This promotes high quality of care as well as helps to maintain a good rapport of the organization among the public. This also promotes the fulfilment of duty of care. o Complaint procedure helps to protect …show more content…

It provides some sort of assurance to the service users that they will be treated well and if anything goes wrong they have something to hold on in order to fight against the mistreatment. 3. HOW TO RECOGNISE AND RESPOND TO CONCERNS ABOUT ABUSE IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SETTING? According to the Pearson BTEC National Health and Social care (2016) – ‘Abuse is mistreatment of a service user by one or more people which violates the service user’s civil, legal or human rights.’ Abuse can take place anywhere in different forms. It can take place at care homes, hospitals, schools or even at home. From the stranger to the family, friends and relatives – anyone can abuse. Therefore, it is essential to have proper observation skills and knowledge to identify and recognise the signs of abuse. Being in health and social sector, we should have courage to whistle blow and report the incidents of abuse. Even if we have a doubt, it is always better to raise the concerns to the appropriate body. TYPES OF ABUSE  Neglect and acts of …show more content…

However, there are some abuse which is purely psychological abuse. It includes: • Bullying • Verbal abuse - Shouting and swearing • Intimidation • Deprivation of privacy or dignity • Lack of mental stimulation • Coercion and blaming For example; If there is an elderly lady in a care home who is extremely slow in eating. The carer shouts and swears at her saying that she is slow and push the spoon in her mouth to make her eat. In this case, there is shouting, swearing, coercion and lack of dignity. This would make anyone feel worthless and distressed. In Mr. J’s case, we can see the evidences that he had been physically and financially abused. This means he was in distressed which can be considered as an emotional or psychological abuse.  Financial abuse The adults who lack the proper understanding of the money matters despite of having a full mental capacity or lacking mental capacity, are in risk of this type of abuse. Moreover, in this type of abuse, families, friends, close relatives are most likely to involve. It includes; Theft, Fraud, Exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property and inheritance, misuse of property. The indicators

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