
The Importance Of Creativity In Education

Decent Essays

In the Ted talk video clip the presenter describes how he views creativity in education today. He believes that education has created a hierarchy between subjects, meaning subjects such as languages and mathematics are placed at the top, and creative subjects such as art and dance are placed at the bottom; where level of importance is at the top and not so important is at the bottom. He also describes intelligence as being dynamic, diverse and distinct. He goes on to say that we truly need to rethink the fundamentals in which we teach our children, we need to focus on educating the whole being instead of educating children from the center of their bodies up.

Today’s public-school system has done exactly what the presenter describes in the clip when talking about the hierarchy of subjects. Students have stigmatized for being interested in the arts more than academics. I know for me personally, once I got into high school my mother wouldn’t not allow me to take the art, pottery, or sewing classes offered as elective. She said it was a waist of my time and that I needed to take the business, accounting and computer classes offered. In the clip the presenter states that creativity is just as important as electricity and should be seeing as so. My mother is the perfect example of what public schools have taught and made her value or see academics as high importance for her daughter because it was instilled in her, it is what in instilled in many of us.

To rethink the

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