
The Importance Of DACA Education

Decent Essays

DACA education was a human rights issue that is still striking the young immigrant people today. These young people are trying to continue their education now that they are able to be here in the United States. They are able to attend school from kinder thru 12 grade without question but cannot go on to college to further their education. And the main reason they can not is because these people are not born in the United States.
DACA education is an issue as a human rights violation. Immigrant young people could not get an education if they were not born in the United States. So this made it hard for them to get a college degree. But if they attended school from k-12 the school was not allowed to ask for the child's information. These individuals could attend college however, they have to pay out of pocket for their college tuition. Discrimination against education is a human right violation because with DACA not all students get to go to college and have a better future for themselves. The problem is that these individuals that are not born in the United State have to have DACA if they want to meet their goal in life, without someone saying “no” due to their immigration status. DACA helped many young immigrant people receive a social security number, a work permit, and register for state benefits like state tuition and scholarships (605). During June 15, 2012 the whole DACA situation changed. Where President Obama made it legal for these people to receive jobs, a social

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