
The Importance Of Direct And Directional Instruction

Decent Essays

For this project I decided to look at my school as a whole and chose something that could positively impact all of my students’ learning. When I looked at my schools MAP scores I noticed that the whole school was struggling to make adequate progress for both reading and math. This made me think of what could we implement that would help these students and I thought direct/intentional/explicit instruction. So, what is direct or intentional instruction? “Directly/explicitly teaching reading means imparting new information to students through meaningful teacher–student interactions and teacher guidance of student learning” (Rupley, etc… 2009). There are five aspects of direct/explicit/intentional teaching, that will help improve student learning, they are; establishing a purpose, modeling for students, guiding students through the use of questioning techniques, providing group work, and providing students with opportunities to work independently. In this paper I will discuss how each of these has a positive impact on student learning and how it can be used in my school. As a teacher I want my students to succeed in every lesson and with direct/explicit/intentional instruction I can make sure that students are having an in depth learning experience. The first thing that I have to do is to establish a purpose for my students. I do this by providing students with written and verbal objectives before each of my lessons. This allows for the students to know what is expected of

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