
The Importance Of Education In Education

Decent Essays

I am a valuable person, I have dignity and worth, and what I do makes a difference. These words are regularly repeated by teachers and students alike at Assumption High School, a private all-girls college preparatory school in Louisville, Kentucky that illustrates an ideal environment for the growth of young women. Students are undoubtedly empowered through their education in ways that transcend academics. Messages boosting confidence and self-worth are woven throughout the curriculum and programming. The primary focus of the education of adolescents should be about more than just achievement; it can potentially play a powerful role in mental and social development. Therefore, all-female schools that emphasize the development of young girls are a powerful option to consider in closing the gender achievement gap.
Single-sex schools offer many benefits specific to adolescent girls. They possess advantages due to their unique environments. Watson et al. argue from their research that adolescent girls in single-sex schools gain advantages from their educations. “High-achieving girls are encouraged to achieve beyond the stereotypical roles of women, are exposed to more leadership opportunities, [and] observe women of higher status and female role models” (Watson et al.). Further, they provide girls with enrichment especially regarding their vocational development (Watson et al.). These features of all-girls schools lead to significant results in the self-confidence and success

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