
The Importance Of Effective Communication

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With technology constantly changing, the methods of communicating in the business world are also updating and increasing. From face-to-face, to telephone, to email, and now even video conferencing, there are more ways than ever to communicate with clients and other professionals. This also means that there are even greater chances of not communicating efficiently and effectively. There is no lack of supporting research behind the idea that effective communication is one of the most valuable soft skills to have in the business world- accounting in particular. It is because of this that I have decided to take a look at what is considered effective communication, what the expectation in the workplace is, and how that coincides with the skills I’ve developed as I begin taking the first few steps towards my career. Literature Review
Over the years there have been numerous studies outlining the differences between communication and high quality communication. More recently, there are two journals that have stood out for discussing characteristics deemed essential in high quality communication. The first journal focuses on the essential foundations for businesses and collaboration. It was concluded that there were five main criterion for effective communication; timeliness, clarity, accuracy, credibility, and pertinence (Zaremba, 2006). In business communication, timeliness has a similar meaning to the timeliness accounting concept. If the information being communicated is not

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