
The Importance Of English-Speaking English Language

Decent Essays

Approximately 27 percent of people living in Texas, above the age of five, know how to speak Spanish. Luckily, I fall under that percentage raised in a Spanish speaking home and enrolled in elementary knowing nothing but that language. However, it wasn't difficult for me to adapt to the custom English-speaking school environment because I rapidly learned to speak my second language and eventually began to write it as well.
Throughout elementary, my teachers used reading fluency that included being timed one minute to read a passage so that teachers could perceive how accurately and quickly our reading abilities were. Teachers would call out a student individually and proceed with the perusal meanwhile marking the “hiccups” that were made throughout the reading. This was critical because it helped me create a bridge with word recognition and comprehension that will later asses my capability to make meaning of a text. Additionally, I was the most motivated to read the furthest in that minute, not because I was competitive but for the reason that I always enjoyed achieving in academics. In the meantime, I was an immense fan of the Berenstain Bears book series, which was the literature I read for entertainment but mostly for Accelerated Reader(a program that monitors the practice of reading) (AR) points. If I read and had accumulated enough points, I could win enthusiastic prizes at the end of the school year. I believe that strategy worked remarkably well in obtaining

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