
The Importance Of Extracurricular Activities

Decent Essays

Many students at all levels of education are involved in extracurricular activities they are a core part of the educational experience. But,are they helpful or harmful to students education.To further look at this issue my group and I decided to reasearch this topic to find out if there was a correlation between extracurricular activites and student success. Going into this topic our hypothesis was.If a student participates in extracurricular activities then the student is more likely to succeed in school.
To gather data we created a survey.This survey included five questions,three strongly agree to strongly disagree,one yes/no question,and one multiple choice question. We surveyed 44 students both male and female students grades ninth to eleventh as we felt that in these grades students would be most involved in extracurricular activities.
The first question on the survey was. Do you participate in extracurricular activities? Which from the people surveyed was a unanimous yes. This was expected due to the sheer number of people who participate in extracurricular activities as well as the variety of extracurricular activities.
Question two. How much time a day do you speand participating in extracurricular activites? For this question in general both males and females from all the grades on average said three to four hours which was fairly expected as three to four hours is a long amount of time but not long as the other choice five to six hours or as short as one to two

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