
The Importance Of Gun Violence In America

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Every time one turns on the news it seems like there is another shooting somewhere in the United States. People who tend to hurt people or one with mental problems can easily buy a gun without a question. Mainly in the southern part of America, people argue that anyone should be able to have a gun to protect themselves and it is in their rights as an American to do as they please. I do not believe we should take away guns period, but I do believe that gun violence is a major issue and there are many precautions people should take to prevent this problem from rising further. If we use certain regulations, then it will help to make the United Sates more safe for its residents, and also for the people visiting the country. There have been several mass shootings within just a few years. Recently there was one of the biggest historical mass shootings in Las Vegas, where tons of people went to attend a Jason Aldean concert and the ending was not one that they had hoped for. Aldean started singing, and then suddenly people heard a sound almost like fireworks, as said by victims. Videos from the victims’ phones showed them running past people who were bleeding while laying on the ground. From “Mass Casualty Shootings”, “the number of annual active shooter incidents has increased dramatically over the past 15 years, from 1 incident in 2000 to 20 in 2015. In addition, the number of people killed or injured annually in active shooter incidents has increased by more than 100%

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