
The Importance Of Health Assessment

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Health assessment is important for both the patient and the nurse as it helps draw the baseline of the healthcare that the patient is to receive (Jeanfreau et al., 2010). The aim of this assessment piece is gain an understanding on the purpose of health assessment in a healthcare setting and how, depending on the age of a client, it will be conducted differently. In this essay, the following will be included, definition of the term, health assessment, a brief description on the major components of a health assessment; the purpose of a health assessment from a nursing perspective; and a discussion on how a health assessment might be conducted differently for a child in a community setting (i.e., General practice or “well-baby” clinic) and an elderly person in an aged care facility. Health assessment is a key component of nursing practice used to make judgement about the health status and life processes of individuals, families and communities (The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne (TRCHM), 2014). The utilisation of health assessment is a very valuable and efficient way of determining the differential diagnosis of both acute and chronic health alterations in patients (Jeanfreau et al., 2010). Further stated in ‘The Journal of Nursing Practitioners’ (2010), health assessment has a systematic method of collecting data through the use of: health and physical assessment; risk assessments (behavioural and environmental); developmental, educational, and functional assessment;

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