
An Exploration of a Needs Orientated Approach to Care Planning

Good Essays

An exploration of a needs orientated approach to care planning The purpose of this assignment is to explore a needs orientated approach to care planning, through the use of a problem solving approach to care, and a nursing model. It aims to show an understanding of what both a problem solving approach to care, and a nursing model are; and to establish how various key elements of both are implemented in practice. The following citation by the Department of Health (DH) (2009) identifies what is intended by the process of care planning; Personalised care planning is essentially about addressing an individual’s full range of needs, taking into account their health, personal, social, economic, educational, mental …show more content…

To support such discussions, a range of knowledge gained throughout this module and previous programme themes, as well as a formative care plan developed for a fictional patient known as Mabel Dunn (see appendix A); will be utilised effectually. Through the exploration of each stage of the problem solving approach in turn, and how RLT is utilised alongside this process, enables an extensive in depth analysis to take place whilst using the formative care plan as reflective material to support the discussion. Assessment is the initial stage of the nursing process. Roper et al consistently use the term ‘assessing’ to signify that it is an on-going process, and highlights its continuity throughout the patient’s episode of care (Aggleton & Chalmers, 2000). It is divided into two stages to allow for a holistic representation of the patient to be established (Barrett et al, 2009). Effective assessment allows the prompt identification of any changes in a patient’s health status, and if necessary; allows any action to be carried out immediately supporting the delivery of safe, effective care DH (). The formulation of an accurate assessment is a fundamental skill for a student nurse as outlined by the NMC (2004), and so it is important that a holistic approach is adopted for this skill to be achieved. An holistic approach supports the consideration of……..needs,(THEME?) which

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