
The Importance Of Learning Computer Science

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We live in the time period at which the vast majority of college students take fundamental level of computer science.

It is because a lot of job requires some level of knowledge in it.

It also determines the payment in their future job. It is an indisputable fact that people who did not learn computer science learn less salary than those who did learn. Therefore, the majority of the college students are obsessed with computer science to acquire a financial advantage in the work place.

In the first of class of IDS 190, Dr. James Lu explained to us that we would explore in this course on one inquiry: is learning computer science important to our life?

Dr. Lu underscored throughout the semester that computer science can teach the skill of computational thinking.

According Jeannette M. Wing, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, “computational thinking[It] represents a universally applicable attitude and skill set everyone, not just computer scientists, would be eager to learn and us.”

In other word, computational thinking is relevant to algorithmic thinking, searching ability, logical reasoning, abstraction, caching, recursion, representation, basic loop idiom, and nested loops, all of which are computer science skills.

And knowing those specific techniques, according to Wing, will influence our problem-solving ability, creativity, and thinking. However, though computer science can tremendously help develop our capability, those developments are not

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