In modern society very few people are living a meaningful life, where they are happy to live their lives on a daily basis doing something that enriches their happiness. The majority in the other hand live their lives in different ways: They live in the future for which most of their dreams and goals are set, they live in a mechanical life, or they try to understand this world to find it meaning. The way the most people live their life is not meaningful, they waste most of their time waiting for something, as a habit and they forget to enjoy their present time. Such way of living has no meaning and is not worth living. In modern society, the majority of people live their lives for the future. Their dreams and goals are set at the end of a …show more content…
“Likewise and during every day of an unillustrious life, time carries us” (p. 13) the majority live only for the future, and so they wait patiently for it to come. They are constantly waiting for a day to be happy, and forget to enjoy their lives. Therefore they forget to live a worthy life. Most people in our current society are living a mechanical life, which is not worth living at all. “Rising, streetcar, four hours in the office or the factory, meal, streetcar, four hours of work, meal, sleep, and Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday according to the same rhythm-this path is easily followed most of the time” (p.12-13) most people are living their lives as an habit, without questioning their actions. Their life is a repetitive circle that has no meaning and value. They do as they are suppose to without actually thinking what they are doing and without taking advantage of their time. The majority of people in modern society waste their entire lives working for others to earn a wage and be able to pay their bills. They enter a cycle that is comfortable until one day they get tired and start questioning if there is a meaning to keep living a life as they have live so far, thus they realized they have wasted most of their time and they have no more time to enjoy. “Living, naturally, is never easy. You continue
With this, we no longer can answer the important questions that ask “what” of our lives. We begin to care only about chasing after what we find pleasure or survival in.
Susie Steiner in her article “Top five regrets of the dying” an informational piece Implicitly states that most people do not live their lives as they feel they should have.
Firstly, to live deliberately means to live with a purpose. Thoreau argues that many people live without a purpose because they do not have much time for themselves. People have practically a list of things to do every day, which may resemble other people 's list. For most college students, college is the only place where they have free time. We go weeks and even months without never confronting complex problems since we are always technically doing the same thing. Since we typically do the same thing every day, it causes us to go in auto-pilot, which means we "have no time but to be machines"(Thoreau 7). We place so much on us that it is overwhelming and as a result, we end up feeling like we have little time for ourselves. Living with a purpose also means "living in the moment."
Socrates was correct in saying “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Life is characterized by the ability to continually change; therefore, by not evaluating your life, you
n today's world, people are often so caught up in their day-to-day lives that they don't have time to think about their life. As a result of this, it can set them up to go in a direction that doesn't match up with their true needs.
To create a meaningful life, individuals must learn to enjoy what their life has to offer and to enjoy what it is they have to the
This is the second in a series of articles describing why people who want to live a more fulfilling life by being on purpose, fail to follow through with making the changes they desire.
Living in a media-driven world often causes many people to attempt to live a life full of plastic, whether it is plastic cards, plastic surgeries, or plastic personalities. As a teenager growing up in the middle of this popular lifestyle, I am at a constant battle with myself of what type of person I will become. My family had a huge impact on my morals that were set at a young age. I looked up to one family member in particular for advice and guidance, my aunt. The most important lesson I learned from my aunt was to live a life worth remembering by understanding that relationships rule, failure is good, and be myself.
It is said to never judge a book by its cover. The same should really be said in regard to the human person. Unfortunately, all too often first impression judgements are made which can fix the tone of someone's entire existence. Behind his big blue eyes and under his bleached white hair, is a mind of a man who for most of his life has dealt with struggle and turmoil in regards to being comfortable in his own skin. If only humanity could look past what is seen of someone on the outside and begin to see the deeper being under the surface, society would see much less hate.
The ancient Egyptians were the first culture discovered to strongly value the relationship of an afterlife with regards to moral and evil actions. In contrary belief to being obsessed with death, the Egyptians held onto the outlook of living a just life. Being given the opportunity to live fruitfully in the post-mortem world, was an optimistic ideal in turn for people to appreciate life on Earth. Taking care of the land and crops in hopes for revival in the afterlife – which involves mummification – as opposed to the negative philosophies of other cultures (Casey 2013: 1). The evolution of belief in Osiris as judge of the dead, spanned thousands of years, from shortly before the Early Dynastic Period to the Ptolemaic Dynasty and is written about in Pyramid texts to the Book of the Dead. These sources reinforce the distress that comes with post-mortem judgement and presents the possibility of resurrection for all, not just solely to the King and his close circle, as otherwise believed (Budge 1973: 148). Egyptians aspired to interact with Osiris in the hereafter and did so by practicing rituals as well as living a vindicated life for hopes of living a righteous existence in the netherworld.
Having to struggle through life with many difficult obstacles and problems. Not knowing how to get through the depressing and dark parts within life. This is what people go through on a daily basis, a lot happens during the course of a person's life. But how the actions taken on to becoming a proud and happy person is by the certain, specific choices and hard decisions that are made. This is shown in pieces of texts from the following poems. “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley and “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes both bring the deep thoughts together that nobody's life is perfect, everyone has struggles within life but there is always a way to get past the difficult times.
In between the day we are born and the day we die is what we call life. No one chooses to be born. No one can control the circumstances in which they are born. Life is a mystery. Psychologists argue nature vs nurture. Is a person’s personality and intelligence predetermined at birth or is it how they are raised? It may even be a little bit of both. Like snowflakes, no two people are the same. Many things make us different such as skin color, religion, gender, and other beliefs. I believe all humans have one thing in common. Everyone wants to have a good life. That good life may be based upon the number of lives someone positively impacts, financial success or a certain social status. For me a good life is a life with money, love and purpose.
As a young adult, it is really difficult to define what a good life is. A “Good life” it's an expression that is interpreted differently by every individual. However, my humanities class helped me clarify my thoughts about how the term “good life” could be defined. A good life is living with ambition and creating new experiences with the ones you love the most. For me, a good life not only consist of me reaching my goals but it also lies on helping the people around me to reach their goals. Having the right values and priorities complement a gratifying life. During this journey, I have learned that analyzing several situations can lead to a great way of associating ideas and understanding certain events that take place in my life. Medicine is a very rigorous field of study, therefore I must hold the concept of a good life in order to achieve my goals and keep my priorities in the right order. Humanities has been a great base for me to develop the right mindset to pursue my career. For instance, the modules: “The True Purpose of a Liberal Education,” “Morality and Ethics,” “Happiness,” “Nature,” and “Life Affirmation,” were the ones that made the most significant impact on my perspective in life.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, life is the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual. While the definition is technically correct, life is a force so complex that it cannot be governed by technicality and should be’s. Life is a journey that people embark upon because they are on a quest to discover the answer to their questions. The routes they take are determined by the question they are trying to answer. Many people spend their lives trying to answer the question, “What is life?’. In a way, this is a waste of time because “What is life?” is not the important question. Many people fail to realize that they never answer “What is life?” because they inadvertently gather evidence and conduct research to answer “What do I want in life?”. One’s answer to this question becomes his or her compass. The direction the person travels next depends on if he or she thinks that that road will result in him or her obtaining what he or she wants. The journey may seem obstacle-ridden and problematic; however, the true problem arises when one is at the crossroads of obtaining what he or she wants. Paradise Lost’s Eve proves that if one’s wants are the product of greed, he or she will suffer a great fall and end up with nothing; The Flea’s love interest proves that if one’s want is the result of wanting better for oneself, then he or she will simply experience an opportunity cost.
What are some things most people live life without enjoying? Most of the time, it is the small things in life. Many people go through life, focusing on a big grand picture, but fail to enjoy the little moments in life that make them happy for just a second or will amuse them for awhile. In my opinion, if you live life worrying about what people think about you, or changing your lifestyle to fit in then you are not really enjoying life.