
The Importance Of Nonbal Communication

Decent Essays

Non-verbal Communications. Non-verbal Communications is an essential aspect of cross-cultural business communication is non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication used more often than verbal communication, as approximately seventy percent of our conversation is non-verbal. Non-verbal communication can take the form of eye contact, the firmness of a handshake, the speaker distance, facial expressions, touching and hand gestures are all critical factors to consider when approaching international business assignments (see Appendix B). A non-verbal behavior can cause mixed signals and misunderstandings, which do not reflect well on a representation of the company. Eye contact and eye movement have very different meanings across cultures. In North America when doing business with a client, it is courteous to establish eye contact, which shows the client you are listening to his opinions and proposals (Sweeney & Hua, 2010). However many cultures differ in the way eye contact is considered respectable. Various researchers have conducted to identify the different methods that should intertwine within the speech, gestures, facial expressions, and body language. In Mexico, for example, looking someone in the eye can be regarded as aggressive (especially among males), and flirtatious when made between men and women. In Mexico, look at clients near the eye, but not actually in the eye (Mintu-Wimsatt et al., 2002). Many North Americans who do not understand this cultural

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