
The Importance Of Proficiency In Academic Language

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Children need to master academic skills in order to move from one grade to another. Each skill a child learns helps and encourages the child to learn another new skill. Oral language development is the foundation of reading and writing. One core skill a child should master is language and speech. Simple language and speech skills need to be learned before a child can learn more complex language and speech skills such as academic language. According to Dudley-Marling & Lucas (2009), Children’s language plays a crucial role in school success…and school failure”. To succeed in school, children must learn the formal language of schooling.”(p.368). This statement tells us that proficiency in academic language is critical and absolutely necessary for a child’s overall success in school.
When children are enrolled in Pre-K they gain advantages by experiencing pre-math skills, early literacy skills, early language skills, and social skills before they enter Kindergarten. When a child enters Kindergarten they learn about the basics in science such as where different animals, birds, and insects live. Kindergarteners investigate plants, weather and seasons, what they were taught in Pre-K is now being built upon which enables children to connect to new skills and concepts. Learning about social studies outside of the knowledge of just their home is a new academic skill Kindergarteners are introduced to. Language and literacy skills are now being used in a more advanced manner such as

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