
The Importance Of Race In High School

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The next aspect that we are going to talk about is race. Growing up race wasn’t something that was around. While in grade school there were one or two Hispanic students but other than that there weren’t any racial differences in my school. When I went to high school the number of Hispanic students increased but otherwise that was it. We didn’t treat any of these students any different just because of their race. Around town there were Hispanics as well but there was never anything that caused problems. When I was very young I always found it interesting to try and listen to the Hispanic people talk to see if I could pick up any words that they said since I was learning Spanish in school. When I went to Central Community College this is when race was really shown to me. …show more content…

I helped with basketball there and a lot of the African Americans were on the basketball team. I’m not going to lie when I first saw the team I was very intimidated by them. I didn’t let that stop me from talking to them though. I found out that they were great girls and many of them I became friends with throughout my time there. I think that intimidate was there because of my lack of experience of different races. Coming to Mount Marty it was pretty much the same races that I had already mentioned. People of different races aren’t much different than us. We are all people that are here for a reason. In my future I may have students of different racial backgrounds in my classroom but that won’t stop me from doing anything or treating them any differently. Racism results from the transformation of race prejudice and/or ethnocentrism through the exercise of power against a racial group defined as inferior by individuals or by intuitions, with the intentional or unintentional support of an entire culture. Racism is preference for or belief in the superiority of one’s own racial group over any

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